Travel insurence!!!!!

In Sept Im going to south america for 8 months...maybe up to a year. I`ve been looking around for travel insurence...but its sooo bloody expencive!!! Do anyone know of a good incurense company??? Im from Norway...but still have considered an international travel insurence like world nomad. Have anyone experience with this one??? Im not sure how safe it is to have insurence from a company that is`nt norwegian?! Recommandations????

All I can recommend, is that before you part with any money - please read the smallprint of the insurance document. It is no good going for the cheapest price - just to find out that when you've broken your leg and are stuck in an Albanian hospital (let's hope not), your policy doesn't cover your injuries. In Norway - I'm sure, you can find an insurance agent that sells travel cover, who will show you the policy wording.
I have been to Oslo and Bergen many times and have no doubts that whether one of these is your home city or beyond, there is an agent locally that will oblige. Norway is such a totally switched on country.

I have not a doubt in my mind that the norwegian one is the best for me...but we are talking over 100 pounds for 8 months...and that doesnt fit in to my travel budget...haha So just seeing whats out there...if anyone do a better deal and cheaper

I've used World Nomads before (and know the people who run it). It's pretty good in my opinion and they are backed by Lloyds and partner with Mondial to help if you're in trouble. On our latest trip we decided against using them because they weren't so great for a family policy and didn't really cover some things that we wanted covered. We went with a Travel Insurance Direct, who are part of the same company actually, but they only sell to Australians I think so not much use to you.

I wouldn't worry about them not being Norwegian. If you do decide to use them, try using this promo code for a 6% discount: WNTP6 ! Whatever you do, read the policy!

[ 16-Jun-2010, at 17:32 by Peter ]

we are talking over 100 pounds for 8 months...and that doesnt fit in to my travel budget.

Again, see what 'Peter' has said.... 'Read the policy', that is the most important bit. If it's right and has everything you need built into it - then £100 for 8 months seems a good deal.

Shit...ment 1000 pounds..haha Nah...10O would be perfect

If you're serious about that £1000 quote, then something is wrong somewhere.
Thats all I can say.

I recommend

I lived in el salvador for 9 months and was mugged and had my laptop stolen. they didn't cover the complete cost of the laptop but it was nice to get some money back. I believe they covered about 60% and it was very cheap insurance.

Travel insurence!!!!!

Travel insurence!!!!!

Travel insurence!!!!!

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