WWOOF Experiences?

Just a general question, who here has travelled the WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) way, making your way around the world or around a country by volunteering at organic farms in exchange for room and board?

I would be really interested to see anyones reviews on these as I am looking to do this for part of my trip in OZ. I was given a website www.helpx.net which seems ok and the people on their website give good reviews after they have been.

Be really good to find out any other websites/ places where I can get more information on it

Maybe you can start your own post with this question? Thanks.

Wwoofing in Europe: 4 farms in southern France, central-west Germant, and central Hungary.

If you have something specific that you need fulfilled from a wwoofing farm (a goal or requirements), then what you have to do is ASK the farmers before you commit if the farm has what you need to be satisfied:

Such as if they feed their wwoofers entirely organic, if their farm is entirely organic, if they can accomodate a vegan, if their housing for wwoofers is heated, if its separate from the farmers, if there are 1,2, or 3 meals, can they teach you about edible weeds, do they have an actual farm or just a garden, how flexible are they with the hours you work and breaks you take, do you pull weeds 8 hours a day 6 days a week or do a variety of tasks 5 hours a day 5 days a week, are they in the middle of a city or in the middle of nowhere, etc, etc.

Ask about the things you really care about, forget about the rest. The more you wwoof the more you'll develop your important preferences, but first ask yourself what you're looking to gain and make sure the farm has it.

Personally I've found that living and eating with the farmers all the time is awkward cause I feel like their child. I prefer to be more independent. I also find working closely (especially with male farmers) is stressful because they can be very bossy (3/4 farms I had this experience). I prefer to be given daily tasks every morning that I can carry out on my own without having to stalk down someone every few hours to see what to do next.

Other than that, wwoofing is a fantastic opportunity to get close with nature, learn about different ways of organic farming and meet some wonderful people.

WWOOF Experiences?

WWOOF Experiences?

WWOOF Experiences?

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