Anyone travelling alone from mid june 2011?? (3 or 4 months)

Im a student (19) wanting to travel from mid june 2011 until early september. Only problem is i have no one to go with! Im not sure exactly what il be doing as yet, but il be going australia, nz, possibly hawaii.If anyone has any suggestions on making travelling alone safer, or so that il definitely meet people when im out there tips would be much appreciated! Im feeling a little lost with it all but i know i have to go and cannot wait to get it all arranged. If theres anyone doing anything similar it would be great to chat!

Firstly, we've all had our first 'Alone' trip, just as we've all had our first flight. There's a first for everything.
My first years of travel were with my parents, then I started doing it alone. I chose to travel on my own, when it would have been just as easy to tell all my friends, knowing that one or more of them would have asked if they could join me.
I much prefer travelling alone, as it allows me to go where I want, do what I want, see what I want and sometimes, most importantly - get out of bed at the time I want.
I like travelling with friends, but much prefer solo travel.
As far as meeting people en-route is concerned, if you want to meet people and strike up a conversation or friendship, the possibilities are there on pretty much a daily basis. There are thousands of travellers out there with the same thoughts as yours. Some will be just dying to meet others, at the same time as wanting to set off on a solo trip.
As far as safety is concerned, it's all very much a game of two things.. Chance and common sense. There will always be nightmare stories from people who have been robbed and mugged. Dont ever believe it only happens in faraway countries either. It can just as easily occur in a back road close to your front door at home, as in a remote part of another continent. Just use your own common sense. Never sleep on a train thats full of nearby strangers. Always keep your passport, cash etc. on you safely tucked away and never in your rucksack. If you're doing an overnight on a train, try and get a bed. Put your rucksack down by your feet if you're worried about others. Avoid quiet back streets after dark, stick to lit roads and pavements, if the country has street lighting. Some have very little. If you're only doing Oz, NZ and Hawaii, then that shouldn't pose a problem.
Hope thats of some use. Many others will be here shortly with more tips.

Anyone travelling alone from mid june 2011?? (3 or 4 months)

Anyone travelling alone from mid june 2011?? (3 or 4 months)

Anyone travelling alone from mid june 2011?? (3 or 4 months)

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