Van to sell in L.A. or Vegas end of July 2010

brighteye has indicated that this thread is about USA

Liza & Peter,
SOUNDS GOOD, I'LL BUY IT!!! Looking forward to seeing you two again. I hope all is well and you are having fun. Those guys from OZ will be here around July 27. I talked to John today at the car lot, we will get it sold for you guys in 1-2 days. Let me know if you want to stay a few days when you get here. Mike

[quote=brighteye]We (a couple from Switzerland/Liechtenstein) are selling our Ford Windstar Van at the end of July 2010. The van is perfectly equipped for a road trip and can save you a lot of money when you sleep in in (we have a custom made matress). But if you want it with seats we still have them. If you need help with the registration, insurance etc. we will be happy to help. It is really no big deal to buy a car in the U.S. The car is running good, we have been driving around America for 2 months now. I can send you pictures of the car and equipment, just send me a PM.

Ford Windstar
year: 1995
Miles: 170‘000 Miles (270’000 km)
Mileage: 20 Miles/gallon (11.7 l/100km)
New Tires with a guarantee of 30’000 Miles
New Battery
mobile GPS
Icebox chargeable from the Cigarette lighter

Ideal for sleeping in it owing to the equipment:
Perfect fitting mattress in the Back
Curtains to cover the windows
Blanket and pillow
Backseats are available (and in very good shape)

Does TP allow the selling of vehicles or other goods in the Forums?

Does TP allow the selling of vehicles or other goods in the Forums?

In this particular context i dont see a problem..

Does TP allow the selling of vehicles or other goods in the Forums?

Yes, in certain circumstances. This particular seller is someone who has been a member for awhile. Looking at their profile, their posts and Mike's response - they do not fall into the "questionable" category. Such offers have also been allowed in the CA/SA forum (see examples below) and in the Europe Forum (not going hunting for those links).


Though I have just spent the last 20 minutes looking for the thread in System Talk (and not finding it), the discussion of starting a forum designated to "for sale" items has been discussed. (I even commented in it but not in my "top 50".) The problems - how to moderate such a forum and keep it free from spam. So, until all of those things are given a nay or aye - it's on a post by post basis. This one has obviously gotten the okay from me. I can not speak for my co-moderator.

Isa now returns this thread to it's originally scheduled topic.

[ 18-Jun-2010, at 11:30 by Isadora ]

Though I have just spent the last 20 minutes looking for the thread in System Talk (and not finding it), the discussion of starting a forum designated to "for sale" items has been discussed. (I even commented in it but not in my "top 50".) The problems - how to moderate such a forum and keep it free from spam.

Huh, curious - that thread has been completely deleted. It was "Why is my thread removed?" by FATMAG, running in late March. Google cache still has the second page of it, but the first one is gone. (Sam, Peter: do you remember why it was deleted? There was some good discussion in there... threadid 69130)

Though I have just spent the last 20 minutes looking for the thread in System Talk (and not finding it), the discussion of starting a forum designated to "for sale" items has been discussed. (I even commented in it but not in my "top 50".) The problems - how to moderate such a forum and keep it free from spam.

Huh, curious - that thread has been completely deleted. It was "Why is my thread removed?" by FATMAG, running in late March. Google cache still has the second page of it, but the first one is gone. (Sam, Peter: do you remember why it was deleted? There was some good discussion in there... threadid 69130)

Ah - remember the thread now and why the original FATMAG threads were deleted. No wonder I couldn't find it. (Didn't go as far as a Google search but went back to page 10 in ST to no avail.) I agree - it had a good discussion in progress regardless of it's beginnings. Thanks Sander!! I knew I wasn't crazy.

Again, yes - such threads are allowed and good luck with the sale of the van!!! Also hope you get to meet up with Mike again. (I'm a sucker for reunions.)

[ 18-Jun-2010, at 12:13 by Isadora ]

Again, yes - such threads are allowed and good luck with the sale of the van!!! Also hope you get to meet up with Mike again. (I'm a sucker for reunions.)

Liza & Peter were a great couple. I got them a free show and we hit Fremont St. Experience one night. They stayed in our extra bedroom 1 night and we had pizza! I am sure they will call when they get back to Vegas and we will get their van sold before they fly home to Switzerland.

We have been lucky so far this summer. Very few days over 105. Only 100 today, balmy by June standards. Hope all is well with you and the family. Mike

We would just be happy to give other travelers the opportunity to buy our van because we are so happy with it and it's everything in there that one would need for a road trip.
And I want to say that I really love the atmosphere here at the Travellerspoint forums!

We had a great time in Vegas with you Mike and are already looking forward to seeing you again!

Hey guys

I emailed Mike in regards to the van a week ago and we are still really keen. We fly into LA on the 27th and can either make our way to vegas to pick it up or if your in LA even better. If you could email me some pics and a price that would be awesome.

Thanks again

Van to sell in L.A. or Vegas end of July 2010

Van to sell in L.A. or Vegas end of July 2010

Van to sell in L.A. or Vegas end of July 2010

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