Hello lovely helpful travellers, hope you can offer any advice for our family campervan trip this summer.
We are starting in Amsterdam (hoping to stay in De Vlegenbos, appologies for spelling, is this campsite still there?) then travelling through Germany in the direction of Berlin ( any tips for nice places to stay/visit/eat along the way?) Then to Poland possibly to Katowice, then to Hungary, then Croatia.
If this sounds a little unplanned, thats because it is, we are hoping to meet friends in Poland and Croatia, the rest is up for negotiation. In the past our best places to visit have been via recommendations from fellow travellers!
So, tell us what you think, especially nice camping places, both sites and wether or not its possible to camp wild anywhere, any money saving tips you can think of (we are not rich!)
We are mum (41) dad (50) and boys of 11 and 8 travelling in a converted high-top van, dont need electric hook-up
Can't really help with your itinerary, but I know you'll have a great time.
We've toured mostly Southern Europe - Spain, Italy, France etc.
I've written a book about our adventures, with some great advice for first-timers - but they won't let me advertise it on here!
If you join 'motorhome fun' forum (google it!), there are loads of people there who will have all the answers.
I'm allie sommerville on the site of you want to message me
Good luck for your trip!
Sounds like - or as I like to put it, motorized vagrancy (my term). For 'wild camping', main thing to consider is security - but nothing to get too twitchy about. an article that will fire the imagination. Good luck!
Lidl is your friend.
[ 10-Jun-2010, at 05:16 by fabyomama ]

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