We've changed the way the photo uploader works slightly. Not the interface, just the technical process.
Using your new uploader.
Working nice.
The only trouble is this "Unnamed location - view and update on map". Unfortunatelly it's terribly uncomfortable. Map comes in its full appearance - with all countries and continents on it, the default point appears on the blue background - that made me thinking that map just doesnt work and reload it few times. Then, zooming, I found the land (thanks God!) and could manage. But it took few minutes to find the destination (little town in Europe), I passed thrue Africa and Asia and I sucsessed only because I knew the neibour towns.
This future of"pointing" may be a welcome one as an additional option , but not as the default. I think it already was working better in preview version, when you wrote the name of the place and only IF the system couldn't find it automatically - THEN it (sys) suggested to search on the map.
BTW, the very smilar problem with building of travel-map. It's ver nice idea, and , I'm sure , every traveller would like to have a personal map. I know that it's based on google, but mapping the trip is/was so complicated and bothering, that I didnt have patience to complete it.
dont take the critisism hard, pls! I like this site, and, at fact, after going through many online comunities during last 6-7 years, travellerspoint is the only one, where I staid (for ages!)
yeah, I have the personal interes it will b comfy!
with best regards,
[ 07-Sep-2010, at 10:40 by vanessa ]
Hey Vanessa, thanks for the feedback. We're working on some improvements for this photo editing interface - other people have an issue with it as well. Looks like we'll be trying to find a middle ground between the old and the new
This is a high-priority fix and I'd expect something within the next week at the very latest.

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