australia working holiday visa

so im just about to apply for my whv, im getting the visa through i just wanted to know can you only pay for it using a credit card or can you pay with your debit card too.


Not sure if you have already applied for this but thought i would reply just in case!

I applied for my Visa a few months ago now and was able to use my debit card. My bank however did not allow the transcation to go through the first time (I think this may of been beacuse of the currency difference) but once i verified with my bank that is was myself completing the transaction it went through right away. I heard back about my visa the same day too. very efficient!

Hope this helps!


heya hannah, yeah ive already done the form and it did the same thing, saying my bank wouldnt autherise the payment. my bank sent me a new card but still diddnt work so im going to pay off somebody elses credit card.

when are you planning on going down to aus?

Yeah can be a pit of a pain trying to complete it online, my bank phoned me to confirm that it was myself making the payment so they could authorise it.

I leave to go to Aus on the 1st November - only 3 weeks now!

hey hannah

yeah i had to pay with my credit card, but when i applied for it i got it through within 2 hours...1st of niv i bet you cant wait...i booked my tickets the other day and i cant wait till i go over. where are you staying? im just trying to decide which hostel to stay at in sydney.

I'm flying to Melbourne and staying with some family for a while and then hoping to move around a bit after. Still trying to decide on where to go, what to see etc as there is so much! When have you booked your tickets for? I'm struggling with my travel insurance at the moment too!

ive booked for the 21st dec..arrive in sydney on the 23rd, got a couple of hostels in mind...funkhouse and jollyswagman.not sure which one im gonna for yet..yeah they are not amazing but they seem to be party hostels and with me arriving so close to xmas they would be good places to meet pple straight away....yeah i know what you mean about insurance, it put my head in a spin the other day when i compared like 20 diff companies...trying to wittle it down but its a right headache and a half..i take it you diddnt go the oz intro route? ...and thats cool that you seeing some familly when you get there, atleast you'll see some familliar faces straight off the bat...not long to go for you now

Hey guys,

insurance is a bit of a pain but try 1st Contact. They can also help you open a bank account in Australia and pay your funds over from your home account to AUS.

Melbourne and Sydney are both awesome! I was there last year. If you can, try get to Cairns and spend some time on the great barrier reef, its amazing! If you are looking for a backpackers in Syndey, the Bondi Beach one is amazing! its right on the beach.

I'm hoping to meet some people when i get out there too, my uncle lives pretty far out of the city so would love to go somewhere pretty awesome for new year!

I didn't look into doing the Oz intro, to be honest i didn't even know what it was until I seen it on here.

Thanks for the tip Walker12, i will look into 1st contact now!

Definately not long for me now, just over 2 weeks but I am panicking so much wondering whether i have everything ready to go. don't want to get to the day before I go and realise i have forgot something!

hey hannah,

yeah i know what you mean, ive for the first time in my life actually made up a checklist lol. i wish i was going in two weeks and not have to wait till december. im getting to that point where i just wanna go!. are you staying in melbourne for xmas and new years or thinking of heading over to sydney?

australia working holiday visa

australia working holiday visa

australia working holiday visa

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