Linking the Map to Facebook?

I originally started using this site because the map linked to the profile page on Facebook. That way my family could just click on the map and see where I am and where I have been. Since the upgrade I seem to have lost this feature. Does anyone know how I can put this map back on my facebook page. We have spent hours updating the map and info and it would be a real shame to have to start all over again just to have the map on my fb page. Any help would be appreciated.

This is still possible. Well, sort of. At least if I'm understanding the question properly.

Once upon a time Facebook allowed applications to add content to their profile pages. Now, you have to add it to a "Tab" . When you are on your profile page on Facebook, you will see a bunch of tabs at the top of your profile. The rightmost one is a Plus (+) tab. Click on that, and it will show you a list of applications that allow you to add a tab. Click on the "Travel Map" one and it will add a tab for our map. It's just a graphic, since there's no way of actually having the map load there, but once your friends click on it, it should take them to a page with all your trips on a nice map.

And yeah, the graphic there is a bit wonky, since it's sized for an older version of Facebook. I'll try to fix that right now.

Hope that indeed is what you are after. Let me know if not!

Thank you for responding so quickly. I really appreciate that and yes that is what I wanted to know. Maybe you could also answer two questions 1) Before you could view a list of all the stops we went to, is that still possible? and 2) Since this new mapping system uses streets is there anyway to have the map lines use the streets where we indicate we have travelled by car or bus? Thanks again.

1) Before you could view a list of all the stops we went to, is that still possible?

On Travellerspoint yes, on Facebook no. At least not at the moment. I'll look into adding that back in. The main reason for not doing it would be that it would push down the "add a comment" box quite a lot if you have a lot of stops on the trip. It shows underneath your map (when other people are looking at your trip), which is also where a list of stops would have to be.

2) Since this new mapping system uses streets is there anyway to have the map lines use the streets where we indicate we have travelled by car or bus?

We have had a brief look at the possibility of adding that. One problem is that we'd be relying on Google directions to make this happen, so it would automatically pick a route which, chances are, is not the one you actually went on. Now, you could probably make that quite accurate by adding more and more stops on the way. Or we could potentially make it so that you could choose the route even.

Our main reason for not doing this straight up was in the interest of getting this live without too much delay. I think it would be popular enough to justify working on it for a future version though. We'll see what demand is like - you're the first to mention it so far.

Cool, I think it's really cool you actually respond to these forums and listen to feedback from people. For me, I think the street thing would be great because I was trying to distinguish the difference from where we bused to where we took a plane or boat. But maybe if we indicate that we were flying there could just be a airplane symbol on the line or even a dotted line. Again, I am not sure what is possible but I really appreciate that you are updating and looking to improve this site. I will definitely be reccommending this site to other travelers. Thanks.

Actually, it used to have a bit of text saying "leaving by Plane" or "leaving by Bus". That's not there now. The only distinction for someone else looking at your trip is that flights are curved lines and all the others are straight lines. I'm pretty sure this line of text will reappear at some point - probably in the near future.

Glad you like the site enough to recommend it! We must be doing something right

Linking the Map to Facebook?

Linking the Map to Facebook?

Linking the Map to Facebook?

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