visa first

Hey peep's, I was looking to go to Oz next year and i was gonna use VisaFirst but does anybody no if there any good or if anybody can recommend anyone else. help me out here peeps, safe.

The only reason to use them is if you're fond of throwing away money. Just get your visa through the , which is significantly cheaper (naturally, since visafirst has to go through there as well and pay the same fees, and then they need to pay their own people and make a profit). The additional services visafirst offers are all things you don't need or can do yourself for free. (Most hostels offer free orientation tours, etc.)

The only reason to use them is if you're fond of throwing away money. Just get your visa through the , which is significantly cheaper (naturally, since visafirst has to go through there as well and pay the same fees, and then they need to pay their own people and make a profit). The additional services visafirst offers are all things you don't need or can do yourself for free. (Most hostels offer free orientation tours, etc.)

can you explain more on the problems people have with visa first?
im 18 and wanting to go to australia in august. got all the money i need to go. just need to obvs start with a visa now.. i was almost about to go onto visa first website to apply for it and whatever. and then saw 'visa first scam' on the google search choices.. whats the deal with that? and who do you guys recomend i should get a visa with? much safer to get it with the embassy you think?? xx

hannah xx

I don't think visa first are a scam (though I've seen some reports about aggressive up-selling); they're just unnecessary. Working Holiday Visas are given out by the Australian Department of Immigration. You can get them there directly, or you can get them through a third party like visa first, which then goes through the Department of Immigration. In both cases you have to supply all the same information. If you apply directly with the department of immigration, you pay them a certain amount of money. If you apply with visa first, you pay that same amount of money, plus whatever profit they make.
And really, the process of applying for a visa is very easy.

(Also, I've been assuming you want to go for a WHV, but if you only want to visit for less than three months, you could get an for free.)

I agree. Just apply for a visa directly on the official department of immigration website. It's really easy. All you have to do is follow the direction and go step to step.That's it!

cool yea it seems simple enough.

question again though.. am i allowed a visa even though i dont have sufficient funds.. but i will have them just as i leave to go to australia?

or do i have to have them while im getting my visa?

xx hannah xx

You only have to state in the application that you WILL have the money. I agree about getting the visa directly from the oz immigration website. I got mine through STA Travel who use the Visa Bureau. They did nothing extra for me as far as I can tell, but charge a lot more and it takes longer. I basically had to send them all my details when I could have sent them directly myself! Oh well, you live and learn and then you pass the advice on!

yea when im australia i will definately help people on here!
found the help from here really great totally more relaxed now! xx

yea when im australia i will definately help people on here!
found the help from here really great totally more relaxed now! xx

Yeah, I met many friends here and all the backpackers helped backpackers no matter where they come from. That's why I'm trying my best to help others.
People helped you and you help other new comers. That make backpacking more fun and more meaningful.

hey!!! i have travelled to Oz with visa first and i had absolutely no problem with them i would
100% recommend them it takes alot of the hassle out of applying for a visa and their fee was small compared to usit in dublin. i have since travelled to canada thru usit as visa first were not cattering for the canadian visa's at the time, usit were a complete rip off i will never go thru them again. my boyfriend and i hope to returnt to oz visa first is my first stop!

visa first

visa first

visa first

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