2011 travels

Hi there travellers,

Big trip this past year was the month we spent in San Diego. It was just the right thing to do with kids - settled in to a nice house and enjoyed getting comfortable in new surroundings. A lot of fun! And Miles is still talking about it. Everytime a plane is mentioned he'll say, "I went on a plane!".

Other than that just really short trips.

Not sure what 2011 will hold. Hopefully we can get away for another extended trip with the kids.

In 2010 I had the joy of travelling to:

Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, France, Netherlands, Switzerland and Spain

In 2011 I have planned:

Thailand and Laos in January.
Within my own country, Tasmania in Feburary.

Hopefully I'll keep up the travel all year long! I have always wanted to go to Bali, but my much closer plans are for Perth in May or so.

Unlike Michael, I only took 2 trips last year:

1. Greece and Egypt. The unusual thing about this trip was that I passed between 3 continents (Asia, Africa and Europe) several times. I flew from China (Asia) to Greece (Europe), then Egypt (Africa), across the Red Sea by ferry to Sinai (Asia), then back to Cairo (Africa), then back to Greece (Europe) before returning to China (Asia).

So: Asia->Europe->Africa->Asia->Africa->Europe->Asia. In less than 2 weeks.

2. China roadtrip. My fiancee, best friend and I rented a car and drove up to a small city, Yichun (her hometown) in the far northeastern part of China, from Dalian, for a wedding. Then my wife, best friend and I drove back to Dalian.

2011: My parents will be coming to visit me, here in China, in the summer. We'll be showing them around this big, beautiful country. And showing off our newborn.

Michael, I don't like you anymore! You travel too much!

I do have to say 2010 presented me with my first trip to New York City. (Only ever seen the inside and smoking area of the Newark, New Jersey airport as layovers previously.) Beerman had been to NYC several years ago. He was impressed with the changes that have taken place in Greenwich Village, where we stayed. Though we didn't visit Ellis Island, we did take a river tour and being so close to the Statue of Liberty made me cry. (Yeah - wimpy weepy-eyed person.) I'd only seen it from the air on the way to Newark.)

July 4th weekend allowed us a trip to northwestern Minnesota to visit family members I hadn't seen since 1979. It also meant LAKE time!! (Growing up in Minnesota, there's a lake every few feet. Illinois sadly does not have that.) The visit was way too short but excellent.

As for 2011 - like Peter - who knows what it will bring our way. I do know we're working on another July 4th visit to Minnesota (hey - lake time) and spending a few more days there.

Other than that, it's the almost monthly trips into Chicago for gatherings with Beerman's family and the weekly trips to the grocery store. (Don't tell him but, Beerman has a noteworthy birthday coming up in June so anyone willing to contribute to the "Take Beerman to the Caribbean" fund.. The address is Kalav Manor, Middle-Of-Nowhere, Illinois. Thanks!)

One of the most beautiful places in North America. Coeur D Alene Resort in Idaho!!!!

Wouldn't it be great to have a 2011 TP meeting with all admins and moderators? And anyone else of course!

Wouldn't it be great to have a 2011 TP meeting with all admins and moderators? And anyone else of course!

That could be fun indeed Been a while since a good TP meetup.

2010 begun in Bansko (Bulgaria). 2 weeks of snowbording. It was increadiable cold there! Then I was stucked at home for about 0,5 year, planned couple of short goes, but it didnt happen for various reasons. Summer (2 months) I spent in Austria - mostly being in Vienna, but did many "daily trips" here and there out of Vienna. On the way discovered Munich in Germany (3 days there), from Munich went back to Vienna slowly, by trains - stopping here and there. In November lived aboard of "Sea Queen" dive-boat (little ship?) in Red Sea - South of Sharm El Seikh (Egypt). Was searching for sharks, have seen many other interesting things underwater - includes big school of dolphins, but not sharks, unfortunately. I wish to make Christmas & New Year in Italy but I dont think it will b possible ... ohh.. there r so cheap flights right now!!! Painful to miss...

2011 will be opened with snowboard. This time in Romania. Then Red Sea dive in March - in Eilat, Israel and hopefuly in Aquaba, Jordan. In May we supposed to move to another apartment (rent) - and I have no clue yet where. Definatelly it will b in same country. It's not clear plan yet for summer. I hope be able to be somewhere in Europe and go thrught - backpacking, moving by public transport and may be even picking-up partly. Let's see how it comes and where it goes.

2011 travels

2011 travels

2011 travels

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