I've put my education, work experience and qualifications on but didnt know if there is anything else is should include.
From what I recall, there wasn't anything different about Australian CVs, but look at the inevitable CV writing guidelines on some random Australian recruitment agency's website to be sure.
Final question, i was wondering if anyone knew the general attitude towards travellers when job hunting? Im abit scared that people will assume i'm lazy/ think that I wont turn up for work.
In my experience that really isn't an issue at all.
What will happen is that some (larger) companies will pass you over for being a traveller (especially if you want to do more than minimum wage jobs) because they can't invest in your training and get more than a few months of you working for them out of it. But especially smaller companies will have a good chance of being run by someone who still remembers going backpacking themselves (a huge percentage of all Australians do this), and will want to give you a break because of it. So it evens out.
Add something about your personal interests and hobbies, and Id also suggest slip in somewhere that although you are coming over on a one year work visa, you are looking to relocate permanently in Aus. This will give you a bit more of a foot in the door to some companies that don't want to invest in a short termer. It might not be true now, but who knows where you life will be in a year and maybe you really will be looking at staying.
I can only agree to Dodger's post. Just keep in mind that it might be hard to find a job and that it might take some time, so be sure to have enough money in the beginning or find another job maybe at a cafe or so just to not just sit around the first few weeks. In my experience it is hard to get a job down here while you're not in the country (a lot of employers would like to meet you in person before making a decision), but since you can apply online you might just wanna give it a try.
Have you also had a look at ? Although I applied also on seek and other job sites the jobs I got in the end were all announced there.
Generally I didn't have any problems with being a "backpacker" - the usual WHV people don't write a CV, don't apply for office jobs and don't plan to stay longer than a few weeks at one place. All things that don't apply to me and with the right attitude you will get the right job for you.
I made my way without recruitment agencies, but there are so many out there, just send out your CV and see what happens. You might always be lucky...

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