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they all go from southern parts of usa to either Houston or Miami then across to Ecuador? seems sort of stupid to me when they could fly straight south and reach the area.l...or if there is any other direct way to get there would be interested too.

well that wasnt really too clear of a request ....i was wondering about the any airliners if any know of any that go straight from like San Diego Ca. to Quito Ecuador? the ones i have checked go from San Diego to Miami then to Ecuador. seems pretty retarded to me. when they could fly straight south and wouldnt be near the trip....does anyone know of any airlines that fly that way.

I don't think there are any going straight to Quito. But from my extremely limited research, there are flights via Houston (Continental), which is considerably better than Miami at least.

Or wait, no, another option. Flying out of LAX on Copaair takes you to Quito via Panama City, which is quite direct. Need to get to LAX first though of course.

thanks Peter that sounds like an option ...thanks....will check out Copaair....

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