LAOS - Viang Vieng

can anybody re-live some experiences of tubing in viang vieng!?
we're looking to accomodate it into our trip in october! any advice? tips?

The tubing is great fun - I think we took around 3 hours to do it, but the time taken obviously depends on how many of the riverbank 'bars' you stop at on the way. There is also at least one rope swing that you can have a go on. Sometimes you will come across local children who will do their best to capsize you! The scenery is lovely along the way.


[ 23-Dec-2010, at 14:53 by bex76 ]

I did the tubing experience last July. The tubing station where you pay and get your tube is in town. Local advice suggested not signing on before noon. You are then transported to the starting point. The 2nd bar on the left had the biggest swing and a music system pumping out techno music. All the bars have music systems. As I was by myself I drank conservatively but the younger ones were well on their way to being wasted. Some bars give free shots. At the second bar I was offered a free shot but I knocked it back. I strongly recommend common sense when mixing drink and a river with a strong current (even though the current may be slower in October). Most of the bars are to be found in the first kilometre. You can rent wet bags. I decided to just wear my board shorts but if you easily sunburn then definately take sunscreen as the sun can be fierce. If I was with someone I probably would have taken my camera as you will end up taking heaps of pics. I did not rent a wet bag as I only took kip with me to purchase drinks. I put my money in a plastic bag and shoved it down the front of my speedos. Tubing was the reason I visited VV in the first place and I wasn't disappointed. I ended up staying an extra day. Enjoy.

LAOS - Viang Vieng

LAOS - Viang Vieng

LAOS - Viang Vieng

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