If anyone wants to buy my tickets from Hohhot to Ulaanbaatar Tomorrow, Friday 1st July 2011.
I have 2 hard sleeper tickets for 9:45pm, and I can no longer use them...
Please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!
I'll sell them for 750RMB per ticket (or you can make me a decent offer)
They origianlly cost 1099RMB so it is a bargin!!
Please contact me ASAP
750RMB is the price of the hard seat, back in 2009.
Just confirming that it is a bargain.
well that was 2 years ago, and the price we paid now in 2011 is 1099 RMB per ticket
so yeah...its a bargin(!) anyway, Im clearly in a jam to sell them so would take any price right now...
Are you interested or just leaving a sarky comment?

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