hi there, Going to be going for one year in march, starting in melbourne and making my way up the east coast. Hopefully ending up in Perth. My question is about driving; I'm just about to take driving lesson so i pass before I go to Austrulia. I'm was going to take automatic lessons, is it is to hire automatic cars there? Do you need to have held a driving license for a certain amount of time before driving out there?
Thanks Angela
In terms of renting cars what's more important is your age-many companies won't rent to anyone under 25yo.
As you drive on the left there, it can be an offense to park on the right side of the road.
If you do not take your car back to where you picked it up, there can be a huge one way charge (as in they have to pay someone to drive it back).
Possibly you can travel by bus or plane (some distances there are huge) to towns and hire cars as necessary? A car can be a nuisance in Sydney, which has good public transport, notably it's Underground system.

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