Google. There are websites that can help you
Hi Frenchy. ive been looking at the same thing, let me know what you find and he can hook up there??
Hi are you guys still looking to volunteer? I came across your thread.
check out www.fishermansrest.net
Its amazing I go there regularly
Hi are you guys still looking to volunteer? I came across your thread.
check out www.fishermansrest.net
Its amazing I go there regularly
Looking at the website, this looks like nothing more than a guesthouse with some sort of attempt at local activities tacked on. There is no mention of a non profit status. The fact that you are a first time poster and your profile lists this resort again, makes me believe that this is the worse kind of volunteer program, the kind that doesn't exist and is only there to line the pockets of those running it.
This is what a real non profit volunteer program looks like.
I'm glad you looked at the website. Sorry this is the first Forum i've joined. Is there a welcome page where I should've introduced myself?
I've just got back from Fisherman's Rest and highly respect the individuals that work there, its amazing. I wanted to blog about it and found travellers point, am i in the wrong place?
i'm not interested in argueing, i'm sorry to have caused offence. I wish you all the best with your volunteering, traveling, business and future posting! I'm not so sure where I go from here?
[ 22-Feb-2012, at 16:34 by MalawiGirl ]
Just found the introductions forum. I've apologised there and introduced myself. sorry again.

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