Hello, this is my first post on the forums so if I posted in the wrong one please forgive me. I am 18 years old and got out of high school not too long ago. Since I was a pre-teen I've been dreaming of going to France, Lithuania, and Europe in general. Now that I am old enough I am dead set on finding a way to go, however I am met with a few problems. The first one being that I would really hope to live in Europe for about a year, but I have absolutely no idea how to make that happen. Also, I am curious about various ways to save money (and possibly make some while I'm there). Finally, I would like to know if there's a way to find locals who would be willing to take me in for a bit (both to save on housing and to live more like the locals). Any help would be very much appreciated!
Hi, I'm from London and I'm 18 too in a few months. I've also been to spain, belgium and france a few times so I can talk to you about places to go, food, culture etc if you want. About the financial aspect, me and a group of my freinds did some fund-raising for a trip to canada (we've got some freinds over there). Anyway, alongside our own contributions we held car washes, coffee mornings, car boot sales and things like that. When they're there ome people start small businesses abroad through the local tourist industry for example like shops or rental places (bikes, deckchairs, anything like that). I don't know if any of these examples appeal but they might give you some ideas to start with. Anyway, feel free to talk to me about Europe (most of my journeys are posted on my profile if you wanted details).
hey there is a site called helpx which shows people all over the world looking for volunteers on all sorts of things from bar work to farm work in exchange for a few hours work a day u get lodge and food free wid these people lol
Thank you both! These are both very helpful post :D I was thinking of doing something along the line of a fund raiser, sounds like it does definitely works
Do you have any plans on when to leave or is it mostly about saving the money right now?
Otherwise, living in Sweden, that might not be on your list of places to go but if you were to decide on going I will probably be here!
Also I am used to travelling in Europe and has been doing so every year since I was four. Which is like 14 years ago now.
Would you be interested in the big cities or the country etc. too?
All the best!
[ 28-Dec-2011, at 23:28 by sophiasword ]
Vietnam is best choice for you. There are a lot of landscape and vietnam is peace country
I'm not sure of your nationality, but unless you have an EU passport you cannot work in Europe without visas unless you find someone willing to employ you for cash but even then you will risk overstaying certain country requirements as a tourist. You need to check consulates because the last thing you ever want is a dirty big not welcome stamp in your passport and a trip back home.
If you speak a language and are keen on one country apply for a visa and try your luck when you get there.
If you want to work without the technical problems I would suggest using those sites where you can work in exchange for accommodation, help in gardens or around the house, particularly good if you are handy on a farm etc. you could probably get work all over. Some hostels will also let you stay in exchange for work.
As a means of meeting people, CouchSurfing allows you to make contacts in a city to meet up with for coffee or a drink and a chat. It can be a good way of meeting locals but you will need to dedicate some time to the site and make sure you know about who you will meet and they know you etc. to make sure its safe.
Either way you will have an amazing time. Good luck.
you can travel to Dubai there are many hotel to stay and many place to enjoy you will enjoy ur vacation

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