Looking into planning a holiday to Croatia, Hungary and Czech Rep in the summer/fall. Wanted to research some good companies for adventures in Croatia. Any recommendations? Thanks.
Sail Croatia!
Are you looking to tour just Croatia?
It's not a massive country but it can be a pain to travel in because the rail doesn't go any further than Split.
The majority of the country (apart from the capital) that is of interest will probably be along the coast so the sailing trips can be a really good way of seeing the country and doing a whole lot of laying/sleeping/swimming/drinking/reading/relaxing at the same time.
Lots of companies do them, Sail Croatia is popular but Travel Talk, Topdeck do them and so do others. Prices are probably not much different and itinerary is the same.
If you want to see a bit more of the Balkans I have travelled with Eastern Trekker http://www.easterntrekker.com
which have some good reasonably short itinerary's through the region and the prices are reasonable. It is owned by Contiki, my trip was very small and a good variety of ages but if that's a concern look into their age restrictions.
Otherwise Intrepid and Tucan Travel both do tours in the area.
Hi, i'm a free independent traveller, i started my Croatia travels in Dubrovnik then island hopped by ferries from there up to Korcula, Hvar, Brac upto Split and Trogir. Very easy, very cheap, lots to see and do on all islands. I then caught a train to Zagreb, travelled around there then caught a train just a few hours to Ljublijana, then toured Slovenia, same train 2 weeks later to Vienna, stopped there, same train onto Budapest to tour Hungary. Easy, nice route, no hassles, safe, enjoy, hope this helps.
Getting a little off the initial question, but I have to ask bevcstravels; what language do you speak? I know German in helpful in Turkey because there are a lot of German tourists there. What language(s) -besides the obvious- are helpful in the route you described?

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