As the question above says, I was wondering if you can share your blog and travel maps etc with people who don't use the site. I would like to be able to share it with my family and friends so they can see my photos and how I am enjoying everything.
They could by email (which will cause them to get an email anytime you post a blog entry), or (at the same page) add the feed of your blog to their feedreader (such as google reader) or as a live bookmark to Firefox, so they'll be notified of new blog entries through that.
There's also various to share your photos or map (by embedding them in any other website which allows for it), or by adding the travellerspoint map application to facebook (see the bottom of that page).
Add the travellerspoint application to Facebook then your blog updates will come through onto your feed.
You can paste the link to your blog anywhere also, onto facebook or into an email.
thanks everyone (: helped heaps!
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