hey all,
There's mixed opinions about which city is better out of Sydney and Melbourne, In my opinion if you're looking to enjoy the beach, party or go hiking Sydney is the better choice with great beaches and the Blue Mountains close by. If you want a more relaxed vibe with cafes and an arty feel then go with Melbourne, there's also the Great Ocean Road close by if you feel like a pleasant drive.
If it were me I'd choose Sydney.
Hi, if you are coming to Melbourne, the Metro Melbourne youth hostel is clean and central. You could easily stroll into the city's music and theatre venues, bars, cafes and laneways from there. I'm sure you'll have a great time whichever city you choose. If you choose Melbourne, the City of Melbourne has a great website - thatsmelbourne - which tells you what's on when, and free iPhone app Play Melbourne. Happy holidays!
I looked into both, personally with major cities like that I think it will come down to personal opinion!
Both have their positives.
I opted for Sydney first, purely because I have been dealing with an agency who seem to think there is plenty of QS work their at the moment.
Another factor you might want to consider is what is happening in Melbourne & Sydney at the time you intend to travel as both have different sporting events, festivals, and shows during the year.
Both are great cities, it really depends on what you like. If you have friends there it will make a massive difference.
Melbourne is very underrated by travellers because on the surface there isn't much on offer compared to Sydney. Sydney is the postcard city, it has better weather, all the Australiana you can poke a stick at with the Opera House and the Bridge etc.
Melbourne is very liveable. It has the best coffee and cafes in the world (big statement but really quite true) and all the best things to see do, eat, drink are hidden. You need a local guide to really enjoy it. It also has great shops and a great vibe. It is more 'indie' or alternative, big music scene, arty, cafes and bars. The bars in the city are often hidden down laneways, its a great city, if you know where to look. If you want to hang out and eat and drink Melbourne's great.
If you want an Australian experience, with the beach etc. choose Sydney.
No question, Melbourne is head and shoulders above Sydney. Better people, cafes, shops, bars, events and festivals, the list goes on. As Rex says above though, you will need to mingle with the locals to appreciate the real Melbourne. They'll show you the cool rooftop bars, best cafes in little laneways, where any good gigs are happening and tell you which suburbs to visit (inner suburbs to the north are my favourite - Fitzroy, Brunswick East, Carlton etc.) You will, no doubtly, love the place!
so glad I read this forum I'm off to melbourne in March, hoping to work there, and the make my way up the east coast. So will be going to sydney aswell. A good insist into what to expect

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