Hellooo there!
I am travellin over to oz in aug/sept going to do the oz intro to try and meet some people, im going to fly in to sydney with a few nights in a hostel pre arranged and buy a cheap car or van and travell as much of the east coast and the outback as i can it will be grea tif someone else would like to do it also and plus they say there is saftey in numbers lol
im going on a holiday working visa so will need to work along the way to fund the rest of the travelling van, accomidations excetera
anyones welsome to joins
thanks mike
Hi Mike!
What route are you planning on taking? Yeah i'll be working along the way aswel and I've been told work is pretty easy to come by so that shouldn't be a problem.
yeah mate i have been told its pretty easy to come by work aswell so, havent really got a route planned man so just gona go with the flow i think i might try to stay over the east side and would like to go to syd, canberra, melbourne etc butwould also lke to see some of the outback so once i get the van just gona go with the flow really
cheers man
how much money you taking for a van man? i just had a look at bus prices and they're pretty fair to be honest so im going to have to have a think about that one. where are you spending nye?
cheers dude
to be honest mate it is cheaper for the bus but there is so much freedom with a van, and a bit more security and some times if you cant get a hostel you can just sleep in the van without worries, and in regards to nye a few of my mates travelled oz a few years ago and they spend nye and christmas on a beach with about 100 others travellers so i dont care what i do for nye just happy to have a few drinks with people and camp what ever just go with the flow man
cheers man
Hey guys,
I'm heading to melbourne on the 31st august and am thinking of staying there for maybe 2 months to work and meet but then want to head off somewhere. i haven't got a driving license so am looking for someone who can drive... willing to pay halves on everything (car, petrol, repairs). i haven't got a plan so far so up for anything/anywhere really. Let me know if this sounds any good and we can chat about it.
Alice x
hi alice, dont worry if you cant drive you more than welcome to come along the more the merrier, obv up to 4
cheers mike

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