1 Month Trip to Europe: Advice


That's a lot in a short period of time, I'd suggest cutting it down and choosing places that are closer together. For example, spend more time in Ireland to see Dublin, Belfast, Cliffs of Moher, Giant's Causeway, Cork, Galway, etc. then cross over to Glasgow and around Scotland. Unless you're planning on flying, in which case you'll need carry-on only to be able to be more cost effective.

I'm a fast traveler and 5 nights in Berlin still felt quick, and you'll lose a substantial amount of time travelling from place to place. Feel free to take a look at my maps for potential routes - I've done a fair bit of traveling through Europe, and would be happy to answer more specific questions.

If you can provide us an idea of what you're interested in and the time of year we can provide more specific advice for you.


I agree with Tiff - while Glasgow is a great city, if you have any interest in the outdoors whatsoever then you are passing close by a load of great things within an hour or two of Glasgow. A few days spent looping round the west coast up to Inverness and back down would be very rewarding travel in my book.

You asked about transportation - you have some large distances in there, if you're including Istanbul in particular then you'll be planning on flying? Otherwise you have overland options like trains, but I'd still be tempted by flying as the journeys between say Paris and Madrid will be long by rail.

Thanks for the feedback--one quick note: I'm intentionally taking on a lot of different places. The idea was more of an extensive sampling than an in-depth discovery, as it's the only time I can really dedicate a month (or more) to traveling. I was considering cutting down a bit but am trying to balance all of these diverse experiences with exploration.

All travel can be done by rail/boat where applicable. I was going to fly from Rome to Istanbul and then from there to Prague, but I could end in Istanbul or cut it completely (and save it for a more Eastern trip).

I'm not necessarily suggesting you cut too many places out, just that you consider places that are closer together geographically if you're looking at doing different places. Keep in mind that while things in Europe are closer together than North American standards, your travel days will be pretty much a wash with those distances. It's not just an hour between locations, or even if it is with flights, you'll have to consider getting to/from the airports, check-in times, etc. If you're doing places that are closer together, at least you can bus in and only lose a half day - a couple of hours of travel, a couple for checking in/out, bag pickups etc. on either end. Glasgow is very different from Edinburgh, and the highlands are another world unto themselves. Or Madrid to Carcassonne and Barcelona are all very different cities. Beaune and Paris, Berlin and Munich, Prague and Brno, Antwerp and Bruges, or Amsterdam and Rotterdam are all very different cities much closer together. You'll get more variety by exploring a region or 2 and seeing the different facets of it - countryside, cities, etc. than you will by bouncing from city to city across Europe.

But again, if you can clarify what you're interested in we'll be better able to help direct you.

Thanks! (I missed that last paragraph on your original question)

I'm planning on going in mid-May (around the 12th or so) until mid or late June (effectively 30-45 days).

What I'm interested in doing is seeing a diverse set of cultures, locals, and cuisines across a few different countries. I really like the idea of wrapping around Europe, like in my original plan, but I would be happy shrinking down the countries to get a better overall experience (though I was anticipating a day of travel for every 2-3 days of exploration). I'm trying to balance scale and budget--to get the most out of the trip while getting to explore a couple of different countries. I realize the depth and diversity within countries (I could spend the entire month in Rome alone and not grow bored), but I looking for bigger scale and less depth in this trip in particular.

Scotland and England are a must for me. Spain is likewise not really optional for me. I could afford to substitute or drop places like Prague, Istanbul, and Berlin, or modify my trek to be more efficient with regard to travel time.

If the UK & Spain are your 2 must-see places, then I'd probably do 2 weeks in Spain and 2 weeks in the UK. If you have 45 days, you could either go overland for 2 weeks in between the two via France or add Ireland. You can catch ferries from Plymouth to Santander or Bilbao, and between northern ireland and scotland, south england and france. You're still covering a lot of ground, but it would be more reasonable to get a sample of the different cultures. Or you could look at flights, but I tend towards overland travel where available. Megabus, Eurolines, Citylink and Ecolines all have bus connections as well between various places. Trains are also an option, but may not be as economical as busses. You could also look at rideshares such as BlaBla Car, but they may or may not be useful depending on time and cost.

You're saying you want a diverse set of experiences but are you more interested in history, nature, etc? Do you have anything in particular you're looking for / draws your interest? Route suggestions might vary if you're more into art than history or nature.

I don't see problem with so many places within a month. Yeah, it's lot but with some serious planning you can do it and still enjoy. Tips? There is lot of them. (I have travelled lot in Europe, longest stay 36 days and 6 countries).

1. Make your trip as long as you can. With so many places to go even two days can make a difference from been there, but can't remember anything -situation.

2.If you can manage son discomfort I recommend Interrail/EUrail ticket. 1 month or if you know exactly that it's enough 10days out of 22 days ticket (global). It's train ticket valid in all countries you are going to visit. If you use it right, you can save pretty much.

3. Travel at night. Especially if you are good sleeper. You save in accomodation expences and in travel time witch is your biggest shortage.

4. Make sure that before you go to a town you already know what you want to see and do in there. Leave room also for spontanious acts, but mostly preplanning is the key to see, to do and to experience great stuff.

5. Take lot of pictures and keep diary. After a long trip its great way to reorganize all the mixed places and events again. So you don't forget anything important

6. Make the most important places your last and first destinations. Spend the extradays there if possible.

7. Have all the cash you can put together and spend it. 1200€ (1371$) is the minium + flights I could do (there is people who could do lot with less), but you can easily spend all your and some of your relatives too... Hate to admit but more money - more things you can do.

8. Couchsurfing. If you wan't to meet local people, save money and see more what city really is like. (Remember to check really well places you are going in advance)

[ 05-Feb-2015, at 11:21 by peho ]

I don't see problem with so many places within a month. Yeah, it's lot but with some serious planning you can do it and still enjoy. Tips? There is lot of them. (I have travelled lot in Europe, longest stay 36 days and 6 countries).

actually it's 8 countries when I counted again. Well it's long ago and they were much closer than your choices

[ 05-Feb-2015, at 12:23 by peho ]

1 Month Trip to Europe: Advice

1 Month Trip to Europe: Advice

1 Month Trip to Europe: Advice

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