Survey for School

Hello my name is Caroline and I have to do a survey school. It is only one simple question. When you are in a different country where people speak a different language do you have the problem that you are unable to speak with a lot of people because of the language barrier.

That's not a simple question, it's pretty complex - it varies a lot depending on your destination as well as whether you are (like me) a native English speaker or what languages you speak.

A lot of Europeans speak fluent English in addition to their native language, for example.

It also depends on the type of travel you do. If you're only going to beach resorts, if they're resorts favoured by your countrymen, then you'll only need some basics of communication. For example a British traveller on the Spanish Costas will have no trouble, between the traveller's Spanish phrases and the locals in tourist-facing jobs having some English phrases. Two beers please is easy.

This all gets a lot more complex when you're in the back country trying to book bus tickets and figure out if it goes via a particular place you're after, asking the post office if they sell sellotape, or buying tickets at the circus for 5 people for the 2.30pm performance, today, in the 400 ruble seats - as happened to me in Moscow.

I have travelled in many countries and lots of people didn't understand what i say. Therefore, what i did was use sign language. Point at things or use universal sharades to describe what I'm trying to say. I went to china/thailand/malaysia/japan and the places i went to, people couldn't speak a single word of english. It was very hard to tell them what i'm saying. To break that barrier, i use my fingers to describe movement, to find out cost, and etc. I also have a blank booklet, to draw or write down prices and etc.

A good idea may be to try getting a translation app on your cell phone. You can carry this with you and you can use it to translate from your language to theirs and back again from theirs to yours. Some apps even allow you to speak your phrase in your language and play it in their language. It could help in a tight spot.

Survey for School

Survey for School

Survey for School

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