How can we make our friends tag along with us for outings ??

It happens many a times with us that we are super excited about the plan / trip or outing but are friends don't find it so happening or are not excited at the same time . I know we all have mood swings , its about human behavior & human psychology but still if you could help me how we can motivate our friends for the same or atleast make then tag along with us it would be of great use to all of us so lets see if anyone of us has tried tempting his / her friends before pls share your valuable experiences. Thank you !!

Steve - in my experience convincing others to come along if they aren't interested or excited will drain your energy, and often the experience becomes more about logistics and dealing with the mood swings, etc. and less about the experience. I would focus less on convincing them to join you and more on how you can make it happen on your own. You'll meet people along the way that are more interested in the same things you are, will be open to meeting new people, and get more out of the experience than dragging people along that aren't interested in going in the first place. People have different interests and priorities, it's important to acknowledge that and appreciate these differences - let them have theirs, and you can enjoy yours and then share your different experiences with each other.

Ditto mapsandmoxie. Trying to ignite interest in travel with friends is (with rare exception) an utter waste of time and effort. They either have the travel urge, or they don't.

In any case you absolutely don't need to drag friends along to have a fabulous time anywhere.

Good luck and have fun.


Although I often find people leap at the chance of tagging along for independent travel when someone else has done the research work.

I am also in a similar situation. I have someone who wanted to join me. Super hyped on planning on routes and things that we would do and at the end, the person couldnt' make it anymore. I was the one that was super hyped on this traveling.

And this has happened in the past. Group of people discussing about it and later one by one, i'm the only one still committed. There are no real way to convince people if they are not as enthiusiatic of the idea as yourself. As much as you want them to go, they all have their personal reasons for not wanting to go. And if they do ended up going (through peer pressure or through you talking them into it eventually), if there any time when you are travelling that created an arguement, your friends will blame you for everything. So, watch out. It happens to me before.

Such a waste of your time if you start planning and people won't come. Can't really relate with it though.

Just be direct and clear from the beginning. On the trips I made with friends I just asked them at the beginning of the process: 'Are you really sure you want to do this? Because if you aren't, I won't waste my time on planning.' Never had any problem, all those times my friends said yes (and some said no), and we just went. I think it makes people think harder if you are that direct. Some people just need that push; otherwise they will just see it as one of the options they could do and if a better option turns up they will choose for that. And if they said yes and know what it will mean if they won't do what they said (kind of treason of a friend), they won't easily go for another option.

But I don't know if this is a cultural thing. The Dutch are regarded as too direct by many foreigners, to the point it is supposed to be very rude. We are used to it and don't feel offended at all. Like in this situation, I would be regarded as honest if I say I don't want to waste my time and demand that the other person makes a decision. Not sure if this would be regarded as rude in other places of the world?

interesting blog. have not really experienced these kind of things myself, but is nice to read the comments.

and bekokstover, did not know about dutch people are considered rude! i thought sometimes people think chinese people are rude, but maybe it depends on who you meet.

How can we make our friends tag along with us for outings ??

How can we make our friends tag along with us for outings ??

How can we make our friends tag along with us for outings ??

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