i have been travelling since 2004 thorughout the world. i came to Argentina in August and stayed untill febuary. Around october i met this girl from Salta, northern part of Argentina. I am still with her now but next week i fly home, we are going to try a long distance relationship. i'm not too sure how well it will work out but i want to give it a go. was just wondering if anyone has any tips or past experences with a similar sitituation.
Hello Tylerjames
When I was living in Ireland, I had a long distance relationship, with a guy who lived in England, for 4 years.
This was before email was so widely available. It can get expensive, to be in a long distance relationship, with phone calls and plane tickets.
It was OK, at the beginning of the relationship, but after a while, we were not able to see each other, as much as I wanted. For the first year, every 3 weeks was enough.
We broke up, after 4 years, because I wanted to be in a relationship, with somebody who lives in the same city as I do. He wanted to continue having a long distance relationship.
i met a beautiful canadian girl on a bus in vietnam in december 2005 and we spent four hours talking and laughing while we drove to saigon
something about her absolutely mesmerised me and we kept in touch for ages through emails
she had a boyfriend and was going to melbourne to live with him so i figured that nothing would ever happen but that we would stay in touch and be friends
she went to melbourne and split up with the guy... we stayed in contact and then in august 2006 she told me that she had feelings for me and that they had been getting stronger and stronger
one thing led to another ( all long distance as i was in UK and she in Aus) and we started talking on the phone every sunday... then a couple of times a week and text messages
i'm meeting her in india on 31st march this year and then flying to melbourne on a one way ticket
we fell in love with each other simply through conversations (initially on the bus) and emails and chats on msn messenger
its not easy and can be frustrating as anything, but it has worked for us and we are both happy
apologies for the length of this reply.... i guess what im saying is that if the feelings are there mate it will be OK
my biggest tip would have to be, and it might seem obvious, be patient. be patient
I'll try to keep this short as I've probably posted this 400 times already!
I met Neal in Paris about 4 years ago. He was on vacation from Belfast, visiting a friend. I was there on my first solo vacation, from Montreal. We stayed in touch by e-mail, then phone, then he came to visit, I went to visit, he got an internship about 6 hours from here, then went back home, then moved to Luxembourg...I make it over to him about once a year and he's here at least twice, usually for a few months at a time. I have no complanits about the distance - it's worked out for us. He's planning to move here for good this fall.
My only advice is to live your life fully, even when you're apart. I joined a long-distance-relationship forum and then quickly left when I realized most members were pining and focusing all their attention and energy on what they didn't have. Like anything, you can make it work if you believe in it and put the effort in. Always knowing when the next trip is going to be also helps! Good luck!
thats great advice tway! definitely live life to the fullest even when you are apart.
i love my job and my mates and everything i have here and so just enjoy all that and try not to think about the fact that i miss my girl
if you can find the right balance it can feel great knowing you have someone who loves you as much as you love them and that the relationship can survive even at great distance
planning the next trip to see them also helps a lot
Hello TylerJames;
I have to agree that in order for a long distance relationship to thrive it needs two people who share the same interests and passions, good communication skills, honesty, a positive attitude, and complete faith and trust in each other. You also have to have a common goal that you are reaching towards - which city or country will you both move together to? Keep in contact with each other via e-mail, text messages, and phone calls. Send surprise gifts to each other to help keep the spark of the relationship alive, to keep things interesting. Absence can make the heart grow fonder but always keep in touch with each other. Talk about when and where you will meet up again, sometimes meeting halfway (let's say Hawaii) would add a bit of spice to the relationship. Good luck, and I wish you all the very best!
Petra M, Vancouver
haven't got time to read all the replies from other people, but in one sentence I'll tell u my story:
me (Austrian, 23) met him (South African, 28) in NZ 4 yrs ago, 6 months I was home and him in NZ during that time, stressful but it worked, now we are happily married.
My advice: everything can work, if you really want it and work hard. Somtimes things just are just supposed to be, why would you travel so far?
Good luck!
Hi Everyone,
alli jave to say on the long distance stuff....is that with patience it works.....
Met a french girl at home in ireland...... many years ago......
She moved to new zealand...i stayed in Ireland i moved to the states she followed me......
We are now married and have two wonderful kids, and live in a small french village in the south west of france where i run a bed and breakfast
This just gos to prove that with time and patience it does work
[ no promos thanks ]
i met a beautiful canadian girl on a bus in vietnam in december 2005 and we spent four hours talking and laughing while we drove to saigon
something about her absolutely mesmerised me and we kept in touch for ages through emails
she had a boyfriend and was going to melbourne to live with him so i figured that nothing would ever happen but that we would stay in touch and be friends
she went to melbourne and split up with the guy... we stayed in contact and then in august 2006 she told me that she had feelings for me and that they had been getting stronger and stronger
one thing led to another ( all long distance as i was in UK and she in Aus) and we started talking on the phone every sunday... then a couple of times a week and text messages
i'm meeting her in india on 31st march this year and then flying to melbourne on a one way ticket
we fell in love with each other simply through conversations (initially on the bus) and emails and chats on msn messenger
its not easy and can be frustrating as anything, but it has worked for us and we are both happy
apologies for the length of this reply.... i guess what im saying is that if the feelings are there mate it will be OK
my biggest tip would have to be, and it might seem obvious, be patient. be patient
I like this story - let us know how it turns out when you meet again.
It didn't work out for me. Had this fling with an American girl from Wellesley who came to Europe for studying; we decided to give it a try but it soon proved pointless. Too far apart, too many other fatal attractions for the both of us.

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