hi, i am new to this airlines, i couldnt find the information i want, from the website, seem like checked in bagagge is charged, what if i have 2 bags but less than 15kg, can i still bring them on board?
While people on TP are knowledgeable, they carry no weight with the airline regarding your luggage. Best get it nailed down. Ryanair allowance is clear and very easy to understand. It says '...each passenger is permitted to check in up to 3 bags with a maximum combined weight of 15kgs...". Also, one is allowed up to 10kgs.
I've not used a 'kiosk'. They're probably great (and free) but it's just something else to do on the day. I personally prefer having nothing to think about other than just turn up in time and go straight through security. Printers are everywhere - libraries, colleges, internet cafes, copy shops, friends, neighbours - but it's your call.
For the airport bus links - again, search the airport sites for links to definite timetables and latest prices. There's probably a range of choices from coaches to cheaper local buses. Google is your friend.
Each passenger will need separate boarding passes for each leg of the journey - otherwise you get hit for £40 for each one that needs printing at check-in. As much as I love 'em, Ryanair takes no prisoners.
[ 14-Sep-2009, at 17:30 by fabyomama ]
Put your camera stuff into your carry on bag. They do weigh it at airports if you have other luggage. It should be fairly small, holdall size. Take as little luggage as you can. I buy some washing liquid and continually wash, dry and wear stuff.
Since the nutters tried to blow up transatlantic planes with liquids, no liquids are allowed on board. I usually end up buying most of my toiletries at my destination.
£40 or 40 euros if you do not have boarding passes for each leg of your journey. You can print them from 15 days before you go. You can buy yourself a printer for less than that and it'll come in handy for other things. No printers at the terminal other than the Ryanair ones which I think are made of gold.
No reserved seats on board. You can pay to be one of the first on but it is not worth it. Just make sure you're not at the back of the crowd when it comes to getting on. I usually walk to the entrance at the back of the plane as most use the front entrance. Food and drink is expensive on board so take some sandwiches or something with you.
If you check in on-line with Ryanair (you'll be charged extra if you don't), then your cabin baggage won't be weighed before you get on board. Only hold bags are weighed before going on.
However, if your cabin baggage is more than one bag you will be charged extra, even if it's a handbag. Put everything into just one cabin bag. Also, don't assume that they accept cabin baggage of any size. Although they are very liberal and don't stick to the 'cabin bag size rule' 100%, if you try to take something on board that is literally a sack, they won't let you.
...Food and drink is expensive on board so take some sandwiches or something with you.
Are sandwiches allowed through customs? That sounded silly even as I wrote it, but I've just never bothered to think about it as the flights are usually so short. Might take some this time as I've got an early start Thursday with a flight about midday. I don't want to pay more for a sandwich than I did for the flight.
[ 15-Sep-2009, at 14:49 by fabyomama ]
I have got through security with sandwiches no problem. They were wrapped in tin foil so, being a bit worried how they may look on the xray, I declared them. A pan faced BAA operative asked..
'What sort of sandwiches?'
'Horseradish sauce!?'
'Good choice, that's ok'
I was in stitches!
Airlines are ok with own food too, you just cannot board with a paper cup of coffee. Cans and bottles bought airside are fine. I took a flask, filled it airside and drunk it on the plane!
Watch out for some crisps, especially cheese, the bag expands under the pressure and on more than one occasion I have feared it would explode...can you imagine!
I've noticed my water bottle expanding on the plane, but not crisps.
Why cheese, I wonder? Great thought though.
Love your photography by the way.
[ 15-Sep-2009, at 16:13 by fabyomama ]
If you check in on-line with Ryanair (you'll be charged extra if you don't), then your cabin baggage won't be weighed before you get on board. Only hold bags are weighed before going on.
They do!
They just weighed mine last week although I'd done an online check-in- mind you, this was the first time they'd done it, but still. I got a bit of a mouthful from them because my carry-on baggage was 11kg, but didnt get charged extra. They seem to be pretty picky about it, but I guess it depends on the airport, the staff and on how full that particular flight is.
[quote=fabyomama]I've noticed my water bottle expanding on the plane, but not crisps.
Why cheese, I wonder? Great thought though.
Crisp packets expand due to the pressure outside being lower than that inside the bag or something like that. its probably nothing to do with the cheese, just that thats usually what I take, although I have read of tales of exploding toasted cheese sandwiches.
To avoid the risk of running off topic, in january a terrorist was arrested for carrying a new lactose based bomb which looked like runny cheese. Subsequently someone else was arrested for carrying a camembert. So, be careful what you take onto an aircraft!
(Thanks for the compliment by the way..I am flattered!)
The downside of getting my sandwiches seized is that I'd have to pay full whack in departures - though it would be interesting to see them get destroyed in a controlled explosion.
(you're welcome)
[ 16-Sep-2009, at 04:42 by fabyomama ]

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