Hey all,
I am a 23/f from Melb (as the nick might suggest!)
I am looking to head to Europe either the last week of Nov or first week of Dec. Wanting to do France (but not just Paris), Netherlands, maaaaaybe Prague (though it may be a little too cold!), Austria, Switzerland (really just wanting to see the Alps -can only imagine *how* beautiful), and Italy (incl Pompeii if possible)..
The situation is this: as mentioned, heading over end of Nov (ish), will have about 3 weeks of playtime before I need to tee up with family for the holidays, and then another three weeks of playtime from about the 20th of Jan til second or third week of Feb.
Looking for a female travel buddy - bit intimidated bout going it alone. I'm up for some exploring, adventure and fun fun fun!
Hope to hear from you!
How are you? Im Kristen, my friend and i are heading to europe on the 26th of november. we are going to the UK first then heading to paris, brussels, amsterdam, copenhagen, berlin, prague, vienna , venice, pisa, siena, rome, pompeii and Sorrento. It would be great to meet some new people along the way.
Hope to hear from you
Hey I am 26/f from Miami. I will be:
London Jan 12-16th
Amsterdam 17th-23rd
Brussels 24th-27th
Paris 27th-31st
if you want to meet up at all, drop me a line.

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