Hi, I was searching the web for cheap flights and I entered this site, http://www.sky-tours-com/.
I've never heard about it before. I'm not sure how reputable it is, but I really would be put off by the fact that they are promoting an 'outlet for designer scarves and tops' right there on their home page!! That to me is a sign of a website doing so poorly they have to resort to links like that which are nearly hidden in order to make some money...
Basically, I don't see why you'd use them over something like or to find good rates and just book directly with the airlines!
Sky-tours are OK for booking flights but as the last post suggested, try elsewhere first. Their fares are not the cheapest and there seems to nearly always be some 'invisible' add ons.
Try any flight price with them, then go through the airline direct and it's usually the case that the airline will be cheaper.
I can see that the posts here are pretty old, but in my case I came back from England 15 days ago and I have had no problem at all.
Let me know if there is some one currently using this website because for me is working just fine but may be someon has found something else.

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