Anyone else traveling solo to Oz in September 2010?

Hello there! My name is Ben, 28, from the UK and i'm planning on traveling to Australia in September on a tourist visa. I figured Sydney would be a good starting point in Oz although once i'm there i'd like to see as much of the country as I can. I've traveled a little before whilst serving in the Army but never alone and to tell you the truth i'm a little nervous about it! Wondered whether anyone else is heading out there around the same time? If so, drop me a line!

Hey Ben,
Im a 27 year old irish lad heading off to Oz on me own in September. Im planning on flying into Melbourne then up to Adelade/Alice Springs/Cairns then down the east coast to Sydeny for x-mas and new year before i fly to NZ then Asia.

Would be cool to meet up for a pint if our paths cross.


Hi Ben,

I'm looking at heading out to Sydney at the same sort of time and very nervous about going it alone. Have you looked into OzIntro? It looks like a good idea and seems to be a very popular option with single travellers.

Do you have an itinery of what you might do when you are out there yet?

Send me a message if you fancy a chat.

Charlotte x

Hey Gary,

Yeah I guess our plans are kind of similar apart from you'll be heading down the coast as I'm probably working my way up it! We can keep in touch through this site once we're both out there though so if we do end up anywhere near each other we could end up sinking a few beers I guess.



Hi all i'm 27 from the South West (UK) and yet another person who's travelling alone to Oz hoping to meet up with people along the way! I'm considering doing the oz intro or Real Gap intro week in Sydney at the beginning of Sept, then taking it from there really, hopefully meet some like-minded people who want to move on to another city. I have a fair idea of everywhere i want to visit (and earn a few pennies) but am not sure which way to go around the country. Most people seem to be staying in Sydney for xmas/new year but as i need to be back in the UK May/June 2011 I don't want to stay there from Sept to January or I won't get to see everywhere I want to.

What I really need help with is websites or companies re: flights!

Hey Ben, yeah lets keep in touch, i would def be up for a pint or two

Hey Zozzle, not sure i can help ya out to much re flights cos im trying to travel overland as much as i can but i reckon ill prob fly from Alice Springs up to Cairns before i head down the east coast to Sydney for new years! I know Virgin Blue and Jetstar do low cost flights in Oz and i reckon there are plenty more out there too!

hope this helps


Hi Ben,
I'm Louise, 30 from Hull and I'm going in Sept too. I've spoken to a few people on here and there are loads of people going it alone around the same time so it should be great. Booked in to Sydney for xmas and NYE so might see you around during our adventures!!!
Roll on Sept

Anyone else traveling solo to Oz in September 2010?

Anyone else traveling solo to Oz in September 2010?

Anyone else traveling solo to Oz in September 2010?

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