Israel in June - do I need to book accomodation in advance?

Hi. Im going to Israel for 10 days starting June 6th. Ive booked a dorm bed in a Tel Aviv hostel for the first two nights, but i was hoping to be able to just make things up as i went along for the rest of the time - just backpack around and walk into vacant hostels there and then. However, I have heard it is peak season. Do I need to book everywhere in advance, or maybe just book particular places in advance?? (e.g Jerusalem).

hi Andy! no, June isnt a pick season I guess you cold find places to sleep wth no prob. Flexibility is great thing. Hostels r avaliable mostly in cities like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Eilat, suposed to be in main tourstic points, but it's not exactly backpack-style country. You also could book hostel by phone/email couple of days for advance, when u alrady know your schedule. Keep in mind that weekend (from afternoon Friday to late evening Saturday) its no public transport here.
Enjoy your trip!

Israel in June - do I need to book accomodation in advance?

Israel in June - do I need to book accomodation in advance?

Israel in June - do I need to book accomodation in advance?

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