Can you go from Brno to Katowice by public transport easily?

Many thanks!

I checked, there are several train connections from Brno to Katowice. You have to switch at least once. The challenge will be to figure out the cheapest connection.

Any reason you are going to Katowice? Wroclaw would be a better destination IMO.

Thanks again t,

Well I'm aware Katowice is industrial and Wroclaw is probably like Gdansk or lovely Arhus in Denmark but Katowice was 3 times cheaper to fly out of then Brno back to London
I would be going from Bremen to Minden, to Berlin to Prage to Brno.

However we may take a family car if available from Minden and see Dresden but I heard there is poverty there and not many young people as it was heavily bombed?

I heard there is poverty there and not many young people as it was heavily bombed?

Are you kidding? That was right after WW II! Today Dresden is one of the most vibrant university cities in Germany, it's old city has been completely reconstructed. Its an explosion of baroque architecture, really beautiful.

How to get to Katowice Airport:

I checked train prices for Brno-Katowice, expect to pay around 30 EUR for the ticket if you change in Breclav. That is not the cheapest way, but the easiest. If you let me know at what date you want to travel and what time you need to fly I can tell you which train connection will be the cheapest.

[ 29-May-2010, at 14:46 ]

Can you go from Brno to Katowice by public transport easily?

Can you go from Brno to Katowice by public transport easily?

Can you go from Brno to Katowice by public transport easily?

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