Whenever abroad I always watch an in-flight movie and I NEVER get emotional when watching them on the ground, at all. But on a flight I'll cry at anything: Shrek, Snowdogs, any Disney fluff. And I never thought about it until I read this interview with that Channel4 philosophy guy and he said he gets the same thing. Has anyone else had the same issue?
Hehehehe... I get the same way except the opposite- incredibly giggly at heinously un-funny movies, to the point where I've been shushed by flight attendants on multiple occasions! It must be a combination of the altitude, the recycled oxygen, the free beer and the flatulent old man sitting next to you that your brain must partially shut off to keep from going crazy, and your emotions take over.. making in-flight movies that much more enjoyable.
hahahahahhahahahah hilarious!!!
Yes, whenever I see the list of films on offer.......why is Pirates Of The Carribean ALWAYS on there?
Yeah - they make me cry when flying with, for example - ThomsonFly or First choice. Not the actual film, you understand, but the cost of watching it.
Ha ha! No, but I often watch serial television on my laptop - favourites like Weeds and True Blood. Then I find myself sitting next to a lovely little grandma, who always looks over during the most inappropriate scenes. Very embarrassing!
I always get bored and leave it in the half way. last time it was this clive owen julia rpoberts movie and it made me sleepy eventhough it was an action thriller.

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