I'm going to Page AZ to photograph the Antelope Canyons, Both upper and Lower and I'm not quite sure if I should use my 50mm prime lens or my 18-200mm telephoto. I know I don't need such a large telephoto lens. But what I don't know is how I should set my camera. What should I set my ISO, White Balance, Aperture and Shutter Speed? If someone has been there I would appreciate a few tips. thanks
Try posting this in the photography forum.... I'm sure there's more than a few avid travel photographers there that could provide you with some good advice. Certainly better than my "point and shoot" experience
To avoid a violation of the duplicate posting rule, I have moved this thread to Travel Photography.
Isa now returns this thread to it's originally scheduled topic.
with your 18-200mm I'll bet you'll be using the 18mm 99% of the time in the slots... and maybe wishing to have something in the 11-17mm range. The slots are tall and 18 might do the trick but in some smaller cracks you'll want something ultra-wider.
always keep in mind for the hot spots and avoid overexposure by using your histogram. You can also bracket your shots or go for a HDR shot if you like.
enjoy it in there.. it's very nice!
make sure you take the guided tour @ 12:30pm time slot to get those sun rays in =)

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