Hi All,
There are literally millions of visitors to the UK who overstay, often by years. Every so often the British government throws it's hands up and grants them all British citizenship. If asked about overstay, just plead ignorance. If she wants to leave after two years, throw her passport away, say she lost it and apply for another one from India House in the Strand.
Just sounds like a whole lot of stress to me. Is your Mum up for all this being bundled about like a package? Does she even know you're planning this? I certainly don't agree with throwing passports away either (bloody stupid idea) and whether or not it works, it's just more stress for both you and your Mum - waiting for the knock on the door, or being stopped in the street - and then experiencing the very real possibility of being bundled like a package again and thrown out. Not something I'd wish on an older woman. I suspect you're just worrying too much about leaving your Mum in India. Have you thought she might be tougher than you give her credit for? She might prefer to stay with her friends. Anyway - these are just my thoughts. Sorry if they seem a bit harsh. Good luck with your decisions.
[ 09-Jul-2010, at 07:15 by fabyomama ]
Thanks for the response..
I am quite convinced and agree to what you say fabyomama... my mom is capable of staying in India... I was a bit more on worrying side...leaving her alone here is what i am not currently prepared about. Not sure... feel uncomfortable.
So was trying best for possibilities of her staying in UK until I am in UK... but yes on legal grounds...
I do understand there are many who overstay on visit visa. May be the visa rules of being able to stay in the UK for 6 months in 180 day period is little unreasonable. I belived there could be some exceptions or ways to get around this. But right now I do not find any... May be thats the reason ppl end up overstaying. However I would like to do whatever is legal ... hence was wishing if there could be an easier way.
My apologies. I was a bit harsh it seems. It's just that one slip with the Border Agency and that's it for your Mum. They won't care who she is.
An English friend of mine came back to the UK with his Singaporean partner to get married here and then apply for her to stay. Trouble was, she brought her cv in the eventual anticipation of being allowed to work. Next thing she knew, she's locked up overnight and on a flight back home the next day. It really gave her a scare and it took my mate over a year and several thousand quid in air fares, solicitors and everything to sort it all out.
It can't be easy for you especially when it's family and it's all too easy for me to talk - I've got an English passport and can go pretty much anywhere at anytime. Thing is, if it all goes wrong for your Mum, it could affect you too if they even think you're involved. Don't listen to people who tell you to break the law. There are others here who can give you better advice, even if it's not exactly what you want to hear right now. Once again, I apologize. I do wish you luck though ... and your Mum.
Thanks fabyomama..... your suggestions are very helpful.. I shall think about this very carefully.

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