I was wondering how many people travel Europe in Winter? I'm planning on spending December in a couple months in Europe this year and was worried that it might be a bit lonely if I won't meet anyone.
I travelled around Scotland this past December and loved it. It is much quieter, but there are always travellers. It wasn't as easy as I expected to find a room in Edinburgh on short notice. I was staying in B&Bs, so I can't speak to the hostel scene, but I doubt they're ever empty. In the big cities, there will be long-term travellers who have settled down to work there for a couple of months, and backpackers taking advantage of off-season rates.
The only thing to be careful of in smaller destinations (particularly in the north) is that some attractions, hostels and B&Bs may actually shut down in the off season. This happens in the Isle of Skye, for example. So just check the date range for the places you're interested in.
Amsterdam is heaving with travellers in the winter months. Its a great city in the cold. Lots of bars with the heating on full blast and frozen canals to walk along.
I only travel off season, Nov-Dec is the best time. Cooler temps, less crowds ect. I hate the heat tho, so maybe that is why I prefer the fall anyway.
You will always meet people. People go to bars in every weather, every where!
I also like off-season, but winter is a tad bleak in places like Copenhagen, Stockholm or Berlin - pretty nice in Paris or Rome. There are real advantages - lower prices and no competition for rooms. I was in Seoul in Feb, and almost froze solid!
Me and the girlfriend are travelling around a small part of Europe this December. I always love travelling in the winter months, there's a great vibe in many parts of Europe then. You'll have a great time!

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