I never had any probs with locals ever... not once when I was there.
If you respect the locals they surely will respect you.
Chill and enjoy the trip.
In the middle of planing my first RTW trip, going next May.. looking for a bit of advise in relation to the current issues in Thailand/Bangkok...
Its always been on my agenda to travel through the above but with the media showing how dangeous things are just now, you think it's safe to schedule this in as part of my trip?
Planning on HongKong -Thailand - Sinapore - Oz (Queensland, Brisbane, Sydney Melbroune) New Zeland - Fifi- finally Hawii
Any advice or tips would be great guys
There is NO real problem right now. It is as safe to visit as it is to visit your own capital city, maybe safer! Even during the past political protests tourists were still showing up by the thousands. The News Media is quick to present a problem to the world - their motto "If it Bleeds it Leads" and that is what you had on Bangkok. But when the protests ended the media just move on to other countries to exploit.
Even during the height of the protests tourists were not the targets of these protesters. The tourists that stayed in Bangkok during the protests just chose different areas where there were no protests around. Bangkok is a huge city and there is always room to run to if necessary.
So, come on down! A visit to Bangkok may be safer than your own major cities in your country! Thailand is bigger than you may think, if you want to avoid Bangkok there are lots of other places to visit as well!
Good luck.
Sawasdee ka,
I'm a local live in Bangkok. Dangerous situation had been cleared so you can come and enjoy Thailand.
You can choose to go upcountry like Chiangmai or Samui it you feel uncomfortable with Bangkok.
Hey guys thanks so much for your advice above!! My mind is now at ease
June 2010 cannot come quick enough now!!
I think it's safe enough now, have two friends just left for there yesterday and they're still alive ! I'm planning to visit Thailand next month for five days too.
Good luck!
The current situation in Thailand and Bangkok has returned to normal, there is nothing going on for you to even to glitch an eye about.
Even when the demonstrations were going on a few months ago, none of the tourist destinations in Thailand were affected in any way. As for Bangkok in fact, the majority of tourists came and went as if nothing was happening. I've been in Bangkok all that time, and the only way i was rather affected was by the occasional heavy traffic congestion near protestors.
Make sure Thailand gets on your itinerary straight away!
I was actually in bangkok at the height of the protests and never even saw any trouble. the fighting was not in the tourist area. i am a single female travelling solo and felt safer in thailand than in my own country! chiang mai is amazing and any of the islands. koh tao has the cheapest place to learn to dive. i can't wait to go back!!

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