Hi! I'm 18 years-old and this is my first time properly traveling across Europe, and I'm really excited. However, I could definitely use some help. My cousin and I are going to England for two weeks and then spending another two weeks traveling the other countries in Europe. Here are the list of places we've decided on going:
You're trying to do too much. Ideally a flight is just a few hours but you have to get to the airport, wait an hour or two and if the flight is on time, you take it then at the other end you have to get into town. A two hour flight can easily take 6-8 hours, accommodation to accommodation.
Copenhagen is not a bad city but very little there for the tourist. Unless you have a definite reason for going there, I would not go with such a short time available to you. Paris and Rome you could easily spend a week in. A fair bit in Amsterdam too. Prague and Milan have some good things but I would consider cutting them out or you are going to be on the go all the time and see very little of the cities. If you do not have anything special in England, you could make it just one week which would then allow Prague and Milan. You can come back to the cities you like later and spend more time in them.
When are you going? Ideally not in July and August when there will be crowds everywhere and flights and accommodation will be very expensive. You will need to book flights ahead (Ryanair knocks up the prices for late bookers), and accommodation too as the cheaper rooms go quickly.

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