Also wanted a person that can help with the drawings of this pedalcar?! Anyone here that can help?
Do you know fietsrouteplanner.eu ? That should solve the problem of what route to take. There are also special maps and guides for cyclists that you can use. Let us know the route and you might get more information.
What kind of vehicle do you plan on using? For a distance this long plus your weight and the weight of your luggage you usually need high quality materials. If this was about doing this trip on an upright ATM bicycle I would recommend that you take a bicycle that costs 800+ EUR new. For a trike or similar the cost would be significantly higher.
Trikes you might want to look at:
http://hasebikes.com (look at the Kettwiesel Tour)
http://www.hpvelotechnik.com (look at the Scorpion)
How about luggage? How are you going to stow it on your vehicle? I strongly recommend water-proof materials, something similar to what the German company Ortlieb does for bicycle panniers.
Finally, do you plan on taking camping gear?
Thanks for the information.
I am going to do this trip with a pedalcar, not a bicycle.
The pedalcar will be designed specially for this trip. This is a crazy thought but I have to do this.
About going from Northcape to Tarifa in Pedalcar. First: The road to the North Cape is closed in winter. Second: If you want to travel the length of Norway, there are some fairly steep going both uphill and downhill. If you want to avoid the Norwegian mountain-passes, I recommend the route from the North Cape, along the Porsanger fjrod, to Karasjok and into into Northern Finland, the terrain in general and the roads in particular are easier on the legs than in Norway, but perhaps a tad more boring. If you want to travel the length of Norway, remember that Northern Norway make up more than half the distance. You can travel the road from the North Cape to Olderfjord, then follow the E6 almost the whole length of Norway, and Southern Sweden, it ends in Traelleborg. In summer you can leave the E6, visit Tromso, and do some island-hopping, then you will have to go by car-ferries part of the road (is that cheating?). If you send me a message I can perhaps provide you with more details. I live in Northern Norway, and hope you appreciate a little local knowledge.
I wish you good luck with your project!
There's a bicycle company in Christiania ( in Denmark's capital Copenhagen) who I'm sure would be able to make the bicyclecar you want. I don't know anything about them but I've seen all sorts of bicycles which they've made; all individual designs etc.
Not much help I'm sure but who knows...

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