Hi all,
I am planning my trip to South America. Our tour will work fine ending in Uyuni, from where we have to go to Buenos Aires (we have the flight back to Europe from there) but we would like to stop to Iguazù. I was looking for a bus from QUica to Salta, than a flight to Iguazù and than Buenos AIres but I cannot find the bus company that has available tickets on the end of august and neither a direct flight from Salta to Iguazù.
Anyone can suggest the best (quickest) itinerary for this part of our trip?
To my knowledge (which may be obsolete), direct flights Salta - Iguazù don't exist; they all go through Jorge Newbery (BsAs).
Re bus: numerous companies offer a service between la Quiaca and Salta. No need to worry, you can easily book tickets once you get there.
You could consider going from Salta to Iguazù by bus, via Resistencia/Corrientes and Posadas. It's an interesting and recommendable route that not many tourists take, but it'll take you some time because busses may not connect very well.
There actually is an airline operating twice a week direct from Salta to Iguazù. Sorry, but the website looks to be in Spanish only
Fortunately, it's easy enough to follow. Prices are steep, though; I'd go by bus if I were you.

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