Hello everybody!
I'll be in Munich for 2 days, 6-8 August, at the beginning of my trip from Munich to Vienna, with accent on Salzburg Area. What is the best way to reach Salzburg from Munich? by Train? If there r any place(s) worth a stop btw Munich and Salzburg or go directly to Salzburg?
I would like to hear your ideas and opinions abt The Best of Munich.
Except of sightseeing walk in the city center I hope to visit 2-3 Museums.
Also I need your advice about hostel/buget hotel: good location, clean and cheap.
thanks for advance
train is a good option to get from Munich to Salzburg, cheapest is way is going to the platform approx 15 min before the train leaves and asking a group of 2-4 other people whether they have Bayern-Ticket. You can usually share the ticket for free or a small fee of up to 10 EUR. If you cannot find somebody, are travelling alone and plan to return the same day buy yourself a Bayern-Ticket-Single for the day.
In Munich I can recommend the Meininger hostel. Very clean and with professional staff, more a cheap hotel than a hostel. Price is ok for what they offer. But if you want it cheap-cheap and with atmosphere try The Tent at Kapuzinerhölzl. (It is what it says - a tent with beds in it.)
You've chosen two of Europe's very finest.
Munich is just incredibly efficient, so more than any other German city by a long way. It's public transport systems are amongst the best in the world and the cleanliness of the place is just incredibly good.
Salzburg has to be Austria's nicest city. Every corner you turn has something prettier than the one before.
Your feedback after the adventure would be so welcomed.
Have a great trip.

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