Should I Quit my Job & Go to Oz?!

Hi guys!!

Hey there,

Right off the start, I'd say go for it!

Personally, I haven't taken a year off over there, yet. lol But I have a friend that's been there for a few months now, (she's not on Travellerspoint) and she loves it. They've been getting odd jobs at every major city they've been through. She's been melon picking! She just uses the internet and does a lot of foot work for a day or two when she needs a job. She does have some money saved, but I believe she said she only uses it for emergencies when she can't find any work.

She also has her own camping gear/setup, and she says that this saves her lots of money.

Well, good luck with it!


I can sympathise with your situation, I'm 28 and work in the media (journalist) also. I have an ok job but the pay isn't great and I've been longing to move on but unfortunately jobs in this sector are hardly in abundance at the moment.

I did the whole Australia WHV thing when I was 23. I left uni with a 2.1 media degree in 2004 and struggled (badly) to find a job and paid the bills by working it hate-filled, nightmarish call centres for 18 months. I was depressed, demotivated and quite frankly p*ssed off with the way my life was going

I went to Australia in March 06 and stayed for six months, I absolutley loved it, had the most awesome time and met some fantastic lifelong friends. It gave me a chance to get a bit of perspective on life back in the UK. When I got back I got a break and landed the job I have now.

Sorry for the life-story but my point is that I think if you really want to, you should go. Otherwise it will remain an unfulfilled ambition that you'll only come to regret in the future.

You are still young and you have time on your side, but what's more you have a degree and skills to offer other employers.

On the downside, the media is changing quicker than anyone could imagine and nobody seems to be able to predict what the future holds for this industry. I don't know what sector you work in but I think the key is for anyone working in the media is be able to adapt to the changing nature of the way news/advertising/content is consumed by the public. I'm sure if you could do that, then they'll be opportunities for you wherever you go.

I've met several young reporters in my line of work who just want to disappear travelling for the next two years and come back when things are 'more stable' - I'm not sure this is the right approach to be honest, and I think it would pay for you to keep your hand in if possible.

Working holiday visas are fairly flexible and although they're designed for people who want casual work (bar work etc) they can be got around for people who want professional work while they are staying in the country.

Take a look at these links for media jobs in Australia:

I don't know where they stand on working travellers but it'd at least be worth getting in touch to see if there were any openings and then perhaps you could organise another visa once your WHV expires.

The Aussie economy is in a stronger position than the UK for a number of reasons, perhaps there are more opportunties over there?


Hi guys!!

Here's the deal...

I left uni a couple of years ago - I'm 24 now - - I did Camp America and stuff when I was at uni and I've travelled quite a lot since, but I've built up a reasonable career now in media. Not amazingly paid and not in a city I particularly like, still it's a job with a roof over my head and great friends...

Anyway, enough of the ramble - who has quit a pretty good job and just gone for it?!?! Also, on a working visa for Oz has anyone managed to get a decent job and even stayed for longer than a year?! Any help much, much appreciated it!!


I think you've answered your own question. If you are thinking about it then you can't be totally happy. Not amazingly paid, in a city you don't like? Go for it.

So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet never take the initiative to change their situation because they have a life of security, conformity, and conservatism.

I'm not saying you aren't happy, but you will be much happier if you go travelling, don't make excuses, don't put it off, just go for it. Just go for it. You will be very happy you did.

I am currently in a web design / graphic design job, the pay isn't off the scale, but I'm comfortable.

I leave for Australia (and a few detours) over the period of a year on a WHV in 66 days (who's counting?).
I explained the situation to my company about a year in advance and they have offered to hand me my job back when I return. This was very nice of them, and I can't say it will work for everyone.. But sometimes advanced warning can be a good thing. Plenty of notice will give your company more time to look at filling your position while you are away.

I can't wait!

Good luck!

[ 04-Aug-2010, at 05:43 by Lewwy ]

If you're thinking about it then you have just got to go for it!!
I'm off in October after quitting my comfortable and reasonably paid job... because if i don't I'll be asking myself 'what if?' for the rest of my life!!!

If i fall flat on my face, i'll always know the answer to 'what if?' And life is for living not just surviving and getting by xx

Enjoy your travels xx

I'm totally of the same fram of mind with my job and where I live. I decided earlier this year that I've always wanted to go to Australia and now I've got much less tying me down here so why not just quit my job and go for however long I dam well feel like! haha

i was just like you, fed up with my job and worried i would have nothing to come back to, i leave next week and at the moment i soo excited and very aprehensive about it all. My work has been great and have even said i can have a job when i come back.
If you have nothing real holding you back then you should definately go for it!!

I think RUGBYJOCK (third post down) said it best when he said:

"I think if you really want to, you should go. Otherwise it will remain an unfulfilled ambition that you'll only come to regret in the future."

That should be enough to make anyone want to enrich their lives.

Thanks dude!

And happy travels, and life experiences to all of you!

Wow thanks for the great response everyone!

The one that made me particularly smile was - Steve79 - 'I think you've already answered your own question' as I was thinking that when I was writing it!!

Thanks for the media advice rugbyjock - I'm a radio copywriter, so that was really relevant for me - I'm going to try and make a few contacts out there before I go (if I go) see it's already in my head that I'm going! It really does all come down to the comfort zone thing and pushing yourself out of it!! I've done it before, but it seems harder now!!

Lewwy/Shells666/Rachelv - How excited are you guys?! Have you arranged to go through a company like Bunac or anything?? X

Should I Quit my Job & Go to Oz?!

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