Hi All,
Keep in mind that you'll face charges by the bank whenever you cash a travellers cheque (you might also be charged to buy them, but I'm not sure on that - in addition to currency exchange costs) as you're not one of their customers. I see from a different thread you're in Australia for about 2 months, so getting an Australian bank account might not be worthwhile.
Do you have an account in the UK with a Visa or Mastercard debit card (e.g. with Nationwide)? If so, using this card may be the easiest and possibly a cheaper way than travellers cheques (particularly if you need to cash in travellers cheques at banks on quite a few occasions).
Remember of course to take some Australian currency for when you first arrive, as it can be useful.
[ 03-Aug-2010, at 23:45 by mojorob ]
I agree, take a Nationwide card with you. I used them when I was travelling around Oz and they were brilliant!
Nationwide now charge for taking money out over seas
Ditto Milby, and I heard they're upping their rates from November which I'm peeved at since I just got the account as they originally only charged 1% (was nothing) and now raising it again - however apparently they are still one of the cheaper accounts to be with when taking out money overseas:
From their website:
Please note:
From 1 November 2010 we will introduce a commission charge and a cash withdrawal charge for transactions in currencies other than sterling. These will still be among the lowest in the market and will replace the existing 1% fee for transactions made outside the Visa Europe region. For full details please visit the FlexAccount changes section of our website.
Hi, When I left for Australia I got American Express travellers Cheques. They are accepted everywhere, and I'll be doing the same when I leave for New Zealand in November

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