I'm gonna be moving to Edinburgh with my cat for postgraduate studies, and have looked in vain for a pet-friendly place - either they don't allow pets or I am reluctant to pay a deposit for a flat I have never viewed in person and hand $$ to a stranger I've never met.
That's got to be one hell of a cat.
I used http://www.edinburghstudentpad.co.uk/
worled great actually, flat in the Royal Mile
Pet Friendly will be tough, you just have to keep trying
fabyomama: yep, he's a great cat!
coldwarspy: I tried that website and didn't get any response Have also looked on other places like citylets, edlets and gumtree. I did receive a few responses, but always they wanted me to view (and I can't because I'm not in Edinburgh yet) and pay a deposit in advance, which I couldn't. I'm a bit discouraged after all that.
Yeah true, you will need to view, on the site I sent I met someone to move in with and she viewed for me and I trusted her.
Other option is to move here and stay in a hostel for a week or two. But as far as your cat thats tough. I woulnt mind watching him, i love cats!
coldwarspy: yay for another cat lover! Are you in Edinburgh right now?
And yep, that's what I'm going to do, move into a hostel in Edinburgh for a week and do the house-hunting during that time. I'm looking at either St Christopher's Inn or Argyle Backpackers. St Christopher's is just a stone's throw away from the train station, while Argyle is a bit out of the way but seems to be nearer the cattery. I've read some pretty good reviews of these two on TP. What do you think?
As for the kitty, my plan was to board him at a cattery - Tower Kennels for Cats at Liberton Tower Lane (do you know that one?). But if you don't mind watching him, that would work out too - only if it isn't too troublesome for you! He's an indoor cat (for safety and health reasons).
I'm gonna be taking a train up from Heathrow to Edinburgh on Sept 1. The thought of not having housing settled before I arrive is pretty scary.
ah bad timing! im back in USA in Sept! I cant watch ur cat. Im sorry.
Unfortunatly I have no idea about Edinburgh Hostels as I live here. But im sure most are nice, just dont stay on the Cowgate.
St Christophers is nice tho, been there before. Id stay near the cattery. Edinburgh is small city anyway.
Ah, no worries! If you're back in Edinburgh anytime after September, we can meet up.
I'll probably go with Argyle, but St Christopher's is tempting because it's just around the station. But there are buses that stop near the cattery, so either hostel is good. I'll be sure to avoid the Cowgate!

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