Getting into Debt to Take a Holiday? Worth it?

I am thinking of planning a big trip later in the year - possibly two months to SE Asia/Australia. I can afford most of it, but it will leave me with some debt. Just wondering if most people save up and then go, or get in to debt and pay it off afterwards?

I hope it's not another way of getting people to read the article at the link you've sent, just like the National Geographic link a while ago.

In general, there is no other thing I would get into debt for than my mortgage. Debt basically always means paying more than the normal price for something, which is very very stupid.

If I can not afford something (whether it being a house, car, travels or whatever) I just don't buy it or do it. That's why I tend to hate it when I come along forum posts or travellers while on the road who constantly complain about high prices or find a 300 dollar ticket to another continent too much. I always think: please stay home then...


An experience is something that can never be taken away. On the other hand, debt sucks the luigi....I'd say try to stay in the black unless you are ACHING to get out.

The older you get, the more tempting it becomes.

I've been charging some of my trips my entire life - after all, this is the age of credit. Much depends on how responsible you are, and only you know this. I would say that if you are able to pay off the debt within 30 days of the trip, then you should go. Do not go into long-term debt if you don't have a sound plan of repayment.

[ 07-Aug-2010, at 08:50 by Daawgon ]

I think if I always waited to have enough money for the entire trip than I would never be able to go. Personally I would rather be in debt and see the world than sit at home wishing I had.

They only time I get into debt when I travel is when the funds in my account are very low and I decide to overdraw the account by taking as much out as I possibly can untill won't authorise any more
Usually about £500...

I think its very pleasant to travel without a debt.. perhaps a credit card is more manageable for me if the need to spend arises. Often when travelling, I only use the CC for shopping or flights. Other than that, i want my travel to be free from debt. I should allocate budget along with holiday planning. Cheers!

Getting into Debt to Take a Holiday? Worth it?

Getting into Debt to Take a Holiday? Worth it?

Getting into Debt to Take a Holiday? Worth it?

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