youth mobility scheme, and overstaying a 90 day tourist visa

kendahlc has indicated that this thread is about Italy

From what I understand, overstaying your 90 day tourist visa can result in you being banned from basically every country in the EU. Don't risk it! I recommend doing a lot of reading regarding the Schengen Agreement. You have to leave any country that's under the Schengen Agreement for 90 (?) days before you can go back. So you would need to go to the UK, or Egypt, or back to Canada for 90 days after you leave. It might be longer. Do your homework on this - you do not want to overstay your visa.

An au-pair visa normally does not allow you to work in a hostel, I hope you realise that!

I strongly agree with the previous poster, do not overstay your current visa or you can kiss goodbye to any other visa for almost every European country.

You cannot go to Germany or any other Schengen Area country after Sep 18, but UK, Ireland, Croatia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco would be good options to hang around for 91 days or until your visa gets through.

About applying for a residency permit in Italy when you already have an au-pair visa - go talk to a lawyer specialised in Italian immigration law, your case is a bit above the current level of knowledge in the forum.

The way I remember it you had to apply for an italian residency permit from your country of residency. The big question is now whether the Italians consider Italy your country of residency, just bc you have an au-pair visa.

I don't have an au pair visa, I was just here under the 90 days I could be here without having to technically apply for a visa to stay longer.

I have read so much about overstaying the visa and so many people say they never had problems when they were exiting? I fly out from Amsterdam direct to my home city and have thought about saving money for a couple months while working at the hostel and then just back packing my way through Austria, Germany, Czech with my final destination being Amsterdam to get my flight. I don't know how border Police are in The Netherlands but from all that I have read no one has seemed to have a problem. I'm a little girl, I'm sure I could play the "I thought I couldn't be in one country for longer then 90 days" cry a little if need be. Schengen rules are incredibly confusing and it can be hard to find definite information about things, there have been some people that legitimately over stay purely for things being so confusing.

I have also been told about other people who just bought a new passport from their embassy to start the 90 days over again?

Schengen rules are incredibly confusing and it can be hard to find definite information about things

There is nothing confusing about the fact that the visa is for 90 days no matter what 'excuse' you come up with, they've heard them all!
Listen to the advice & don't take the risk, there can be a heavy fine in some cases when you try to leave & you would be refused entry to any of the Schengen countries in the future, could be as much as 5 years.
You may already be risking things by working, depending on the rules in Italy, as you are essentially there on a tourist visa.
Go back home & use the time constructively to research all your options for a longer working visa then come back & do everything legally & above board.

[ 07-Sep-2010, at 14:00 by Athensfan ]

You are definitely breaking the rules by working in Italy on a tourist visa, what you are doing is illegal and could land you in jail and get you deported!

My recommendation to you would be to fly home once your 90 are up and apply for a WHV visa to Italy (or Germany or France) from Canada. It is the only way to work legally in Italy (or the EU in general).

youth mobility scheme, and overstaying a 90 day tourist visa

youth mobility scheme, and overstaying a 90 day tourist visa

youth mobility scheme, and overstaying a 90 day tourist visa

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