Theatre performance in Thailand

Hello everybody! I am new here, is there anyone here know about theatre colossal in Thailand?
I heard is great, i wanna know about it, but i don't have clue anything about thailand..

You may be thinking of .

Most "Thai Cultural Shows" bore me to tears, but I loved this show!

If you decide to see the show, head over early. There's a small village with many different displays. Definitely worth seeing.

[ 20-Sep-2010, at 03:23 by Curt1591 ]

that look good for me

remind me with this -snip-, they have great show too, you should see when come to bali, but is same concept, same style but with different culture i think :P

Thank you for your information, I am going to thailand next year.

Theatre performance in Thailand

Theatre performance in Thailand

Theatre performance in Thailand

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