It rained and hailed like mad today. sod that i'm wasting my life here.
where to go, what to do, go alone or find someone?
started looking at places. europe-possibly asia-my friends cant see why i want to go (i can) australia-put another shrimp on the barbie hehe. i want to do it all really but maybe one continent at a time.
Anyone just starting out like me? Or anyone know how long it takes to plan an adventure? how long should i travel for? (i have no time restraints)
And yeah i have a wonky eye...........don't be scared-the worst it will do is wink at you.
You can go to a completely foreign destination like Thailand or a less intimidating English speaking destination like Australia very easily with a minimum of preparation time.
Destinations like these are covered VERY well in Guide Books and discussed ad nauseam on a multitude of travel forums so they are simple to research and once you arrive the backpacker infrastructure is very extensive and well organized - they're perfect for a first time traveller who's nervous and needs to acquire some travel experience.
Have fun.
Thank you. i think a trip to the library is called for.
I'm just starting out-lets see how i get on
Start with wherever is near you before you go somewhere further. Also, consider your budget.

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