Has anybody had any luck embedding external code, eg for a Picassa or Smugmug gallery, in to a TP blog post?
We don't allow HTML into our blogs due to a number of security reasons. If the external code is just a link and an image (which seems to be the case with smugmug at least, ), then you can translate those to simplecode, so <a href="page-url"><img src="image-url"></a> would become [url=page-url][img=image-url][/url], which can also be created for you by just providing the image url in the image picker when writing a blog entry.
We currently integrate nicely with flickr for embedding photos, and I suspect integrating with at least picasa (and maybe in due time with smugmug) will be somewhere on the todo list as well.
[ 25-Dec-2011, at 02:33 by Sander ]

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