Sweden / Norway / Denmark?

kugali has indicated that this thread is about Sweden

Sweden in June is better (the weather are more likely to go to autumn in September which is nice too but risk for more rain and cloudy days). To go from Sweden to Copenhagen is super easy. Just a bridge to pass and that's it. Oslo is not the prettiest town in my friends opinions but there is gorgeous places in Norway to visit and from Denmark, I do not know but from Sweden it is super easy to take the train to Oslo and from there, choose your way.

To see trains in Sweden, visit: www.sj.se

It is the most expensive place to visit on Earth(Sweden and Norway) in general. Sweden is cheaper but still expensive, depending on where you're from.

If you want more help on the economics or want to know good places in Sweden, let me know. My town, Örebro, is pretty, the 6th largest city, got a castle, good night life, beautiful park(like the 4th most beautiful park in Europe 2006) and the watertower -"The mushroom"- got a great view for free and a nice restaurant too!

Distance by road from Stockholm to Copenhagen is app 640 km. A little less to Oslo, but slower roads probably means a longer drive measured in hours. If you don't drive, the train is a possibility already mentioned. There are numerous flights between these three capitals, and it is possible to get relativley cheap tickets. It is also possible to take a long-distance bus between both Stockholm and Copenhagen and Stockholm and Oslo. There is a ferry running between Copenhagen and Oslo as well.
Oslo is probably the easiest part of Norway you can travel to from both Stockholm and Copenhagen. Other parts of Norway, say the Fjords in Western Norwy, are more scenic - but lie further off. Oslo has OK nightlife and quite a few good galleries and museums (did I mention the viking ships?). Besides Oslo has lots of recreational areas within "tram-distance".

Wish you a nice holiday!


It's really, really expensive but if you have the money put aside, do it. Its one of the prettiest parts of Europe.

Copenhagen I think is the nicest of the 3 cities to visit, it's a bit cheaper too.

Oslo and Stockholm are pretty small cities and while pretty i think you i would rather see somewhere else in the country, the fjords are amazing.

They have appeared on the low cost carrier routes lately, so it might be an option of getting between each ones, I hear the trains are quite expensive.

Thank you so much for these tips! I'm sure I'll have more questions as the trip approaches and we actually buy our plane tickets.

Thank you thank you!

For low cost carriers and where they go:

When trying to find the cheapest/best flights I usually use:

Norway is expensive, but I think Sweden and Denmark are okay. I am an Australian who is currently living in Sweden and I can tell you that the cost of living in Australia is probably on par with living in Sweden. Some things are even cheaper than in Australia - like for example travel, costs are more expensive in Australia then in Sweden - or Europe for that matter. Eating out in Sweden, I think, is slightly more expensive however. Denmark in Sweden are cheaper than say the UK for further comparison.

Stockholm is a beautiful town. It sits on an archipelago and so I think it would be nice to take a ferry somewhere and go exploring. Gamla Stan (Old Town) is a must too. And the Vasa Musuem is fantastic.

Just 45 mins north by train, there is a beautiful little student town, called Uppsala - Sweden's fourth largest city. There are some very interesting things to see at Gamla Uppsala (Old Uppsala) just north of the city centre too: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamla_Uppsala

Just south of Uppsala (north of Stockholm), is Sigtuna, the oldest town in Sweden and perhaps one of the prettiest.

I agree, Örebro, is a beautiful little town in Sweden. If you're heading to Gothenburg or Oslo, from Stockholm, by road or railway, you would go through Örebro. Before Örebro, you would go through a town called Västerås, Sweden's fifth largest city, where you can check out http://www.anundshog.se/

Also worth checking out, depending on how much time you have, is northern Sweden. You can take the night train up that way. Abisko National Park is absolutely beautiful and at that time of year (June) you will see the mid-night sun. For more information, you can go here: http://www.abisko.nu/sommar/intro/index.asp (.) Kiruna is also worth a look. It's an interesting mining town.

As for Norway, there are certainly some very beautiful regions to check out. When I was there, I travelled from Oslo, on the Flam Railway, to Bergen, which is a gorgeous little town. I went with: http://www.norwaynutshell.com/ (.) Bergen enjoys copious amounts of rain, some sources say that it rains there around 275 days in a year.

I love Copenhagen. It's very pretty little town and has a great, long shopping strip. I'd also recommend checking out Aalborg and the Utzon Centre there. Utzon was the architect for the Sydney Opera House.

Anyways, I hope you have a great trip, what ever you decide to do

Sweden / Norway / Denmark?

Sweden / Norway / Denmark?

Sweden / Norway / Denmark?

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