Hi i just bought a canon dslr. i am puzzle on how to protect my cam in winter country as i will be away in a month time. The silicon gel packs that able to get it from supermarket is it able to bring on plane? and is there still other way to protect it? Or the silicon gel packs are the best way? Like when i at outdoor what are the stuff i need to be careful with and when back to hotel what are the stuff to careful? But i get the silicon gel should not be a problem right?
Unless you're going to Siberia, the camera will be just fine for use during the winter. Just make certain not to expose it to too many sudden shifts in temperature (e.g. using it immediately after walking into the cold from a warm building, or vice versa), but instead keep it in a bag for half an hour or so, so it can more slowly get adjusted to the new temperature. If you do that, the worst thing you'll notice from the cold is that the battery won't last as long as it does at warmer temperatures.
I going china kunming, dali ,lijiang and shangri-la. will not that bad right? i ask around the camera shops they say just have to use a towel to wrap around the lens and the body of the cam. ya the problem is from the cool place to a warm place.
Silicone gel only stops very small amounts of damp and is intended only for while the camera is in it's original packaging.
If you want to keep it dryer, wrap it in a large bubblewrap jiffybag. This still won't stop all the condensation 100%, but as long as you keep it inside your coat or case when switched off and in a warm dry place at night, it will stop excess moisture building up. It's always a good idea to remove the lense when the camera is not in use for awhile too and put on the body cap. This allows the internal parts to dry out better and quicker.

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